I Miss Her

I Miss Her

9,866 290 18

Book 3 Starting -Thomas Brodie Sangster- Dylan O'Brine-(Y/N) (Your Name)-KateNOTE:!Don't read this book if you haven't read book 1 or book 2 it won't make sense! Please read the other books first it will help!It's been 2 years since I moved back to my home place. My life is okay. I have a girlfriend, Kate and a loving family. Sure all my friends are in America but oh well. Hoping that one day (Y/N) will forgive me of what I did. I feel awful. I think I still miss her. But I have a girlfriend and (Y/!N) has a boyfriend! That's Dylan! They been dating for 2 years now! There both in college together too. So am I but not with them. Shuck.. I'm never gonna go home.โ€ฆ

Life Ain't a Fanasty

Life Ain't a Fanasty

12,385 394 20

Book 2Starting Thomas Brodie SansgterDylan O'BrineBook2 of Life Ain't Perfect Thomas POV2 years later"Tommy honey?!" "Yes mom?" I asked. "How would you say if you can go back to Virigina?" "OH MY GOSH! THANK YOU MOM!" I start packing and grabed my phone. Wait. Nah! I wanna surprise my kitty! I start buying the ticket! Yes! In 2 days I can go! I checked my phone. I go to the album and see a bunch of silly pictures of (Y/N) when we were at the park she took my phone. "Don't worry kitty, I'm comming."Dylan POVI known (Y/N) for almost 2 years! She's so sweet and nice. I think I have feelings for her. But she has a boyfriend. I think she still likes him. Ugh! Maybe I'll have a chance.โ€ฆ

My Life Ain't Perfect(Thomas Brodie Stangster)

My Life Ain't Perfect(Thomas Brodie Stangster)

50,873 1,236 21

book one (Y/N) was a shy 15 year old. She was very smart but some times bullied. She only has 2 true best friends. Her friends are ready have boy friends and (Y/N) didn't because she hates boys because there always players and mean to her. But one day a new guy showed up. He changed her life.Book one: My Life Ain't perfect Book two is- Life Ain't a Fanastyโ€ฆ