Mad or Hatter

Mad or Hatter

864 42 12

Allison thought for a moment then continued, "When those...things attacked.....I saw you...you looked different..." She said ignoring the original thought she was thinking of. The Hatter let out a sigh, "Mad....They call him Mad." "Him?" Allison was confused. "There is another side of me, a darker side. He comes out when ever I get angry." He told her. Allison chuckled, "So like a modern day hulk?" "What?" The Hatter rose one eyebrow in confusion. "Uh...nothing...." she told him, "So...its like you have another person living inside you?" The Hatter thought for a moment, "Sorta, Its like I'm two separate people. Like how you are a child to your parents and then a friend to your friends, but for me its a bit more extreme and complex." "Oh....Hey wait! I am NOT a child. I am 18 thank you very much." Allison glared at him. "Oh really? Sorry, your just so cute, I thought otherwise." Allison blushed, "What ever." she rolled her eyes and looked back up at the sky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allison Theodora Anne von Xandrion, princess of Abigon, was arranged to be married to a prince she has never met. She had put her own opinion to the side and original planed on doing exactly that. That was until she got kidnapped.... by a guy in bunny suit. (Ironic right?) She is then thrown into a new world where everyone wants her dead or gone........except for 1. The Mad Hatter.…

This I Promise (Beast Boy x Raven)

This I Promise (Beast Boy x Raven)

61,715 1,994 18

"RAVEN STOP THIS! THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!""Beast Boy-""PLEASE RAVEN! PLEASE!" He begged her, tears triming his eyes."Beast Boy, I have to do this.""NO! RAVEN PLEASE! WE CAN DO THIS! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT! WE CAN FIND ANOTHER WAY!"Raven smiled grimly at him, "No Beast Boy......This the only way."He hung his head, "I don't want to lose you."She touched his head, "Sometimes, the hardest thing in life, is having to let it go." *****Ravens gone...again....but this time, there was no rescue mission to save her.This time she is really dead, or so they thought.When Beast Boy recieves a letter saying she may still be alive, he runs off to go save her and leaves the rest of the team behind. What happens when a guy like Beast Boy is thrown into a murder filled world in order to find the one he cares about? Guess you'll have to find out...(Characters such as those from the tv show and comics of Teen Titans belong to DC and any music or company mentions likewise belong to other companies. The rest of the story is my own however and characters that do not belong in the Teen Titans tv show or comics as of 2017 are my own.)…

Now Found

Now Found

398 23 10

First off, This is Sam's story. She was always a nobody and planned to end her life, but then she was saved by unlikely heroes. Next thing she knew she was thrown into Lemta Pasaule, the 'Doomed World'. Its here she finds a purpose for her existence, but is it more than she could ask for? A shape shifter war, hunter faries, little demon elves, and exploding love, how is she suppose to do anything? And what happens when she is betrayed by someone she became close too? Is there anyway to make things right? After finally finding a reason to live, will she lose it all so soon? This is Sam's story, and this is how her and her friend's found the missing piece in each of their hearts.…

My favorite music/songs

My favorite music/songs

261 17 10

A lot of these songs describes me and what I feel like sometimes. The rest of them I just love so much I had to add them. <3 All music lyric videos are to the side…

Love is a Deck

Love is a Deck

56 1 1

This is just my view on love.…

Falling in Love {One Shots}

Falling in Love {One Shots}

259 6 3

Here are some one shot scenes for all my fellow ladies. Assisted by @rachelcarolee97 and @CSmallie…

How to save a life.

How to save a life.

148 5 2

That kid just dropped his books and all you did was walked around him. Never once did it cross your mind, why he had all of his stuff from his lockers, crammed into his arms. It didn't bother you that he looked sad. Then the next day came, and you sat quietly at your desk as your school had a moment of silence for his passing. That night he had committed suicide. All he ever needed was a friend, someone to talk to him. He needed a reason to live. Same with that girl who sits in the back of the room. With the sad smile and dark cloths. Bet you didn't know she cut herself. All it takes sometimes is a friend. Someone to talk to. Someone to care about them before they're dead. Would you be willing to do it. Could you save a life?…

Sayings from a teenage weirdo


349 15 6

These are poems of all kinds that ive made. All rights reserved…

Fairy Tail Short Stories

Fairy Tail Short Stories

1,430 25 2

Love fairy tail couples like Nalu Jerza Gale Gruvia and others? Tryout these short stories filled with different themes and romances between your favorite Fairy Tail couples.…

The Story of Edith

The Story of Edith

70 2 2

Edith is your almost average girl. She has great friends, has the looks, and is pretty smart, but what happens when you throw in a realationship. After her last break up, Edith was done. Determined to forget and eager to move on to happier times, Edith gets started on her new 'Single' life, but what happens when her head starts turning towards another guy. Enter in Chase, the most wanted guy. Being athletic and super smart, no wonder he was a complete turn on for her. So what happens when Edith tries everything to get his attention? Lets just say, her friends get a good laugh and the door frames may never be the same. This is a true story biased on my dear friends search for love and the door that started it all. The people who are all apart of this are myself (@DiamondClark) as 'Shine_Bright', @edith_santana as 'WhiteMexican', and @rachelcarrolee97 as 'RatchetBlonde'. The story here is mostly in a chatroom so I've made it into a chat version story. Hope you guys enjoy reading about our not so average life ^.^…