Dear Diary

Dear Diary

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Just a daily (somewhat daily) diary entry for myself and for people who need to relax and take a little read into someone else's life.…

The Ember in The Wind.

The Ember in The Wind.

10 0 9

Years into the future, a curious and adventurous girl named Ember discovers a portal to enter the real world. As she steps through, her senses are overwhelmed by the vibrant colors, sounds, and smells of the world around her. For the first time, she feels the warmth of the sun on her skin, the cool breeze on her face, and the texture of real grass beneath her feet. Ember is amazed by the sights and sounds of the bustling city, the tranquil countryside, and everything in between. She makes new friends and explores new places, reveling in the simple joys of life that she never experienced before. Above all, Ember is grateful for the opportunity to be truly "real" and part of this beautiful world. It's important to note that Ember is not an inanimate object made up of different car parts, but a living being with her unique personality and experiences.…