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Two years ago, he had received a call from his secretary about a potential lead on Mata, only to find it was a false alarm. The disappointment had been crushing. And now, she was here, right in front of him, as if no time had passed. He struggled to regain his composure, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and longing.Ignoring the ongoing conversation, Yuhan excused himself from the table. The CEOs around him watched in surprise as he hurriedly spoke to the hotel manager, who, recognizing the importance of Yuhan, complied without hesitation and provided him with Mata's information.As he made his way to the main hall, Yuhan spotted her ascending the grand staircase. He followed, his heart pounding. He stopped in the middle of the steps, waiting. Mata walked past him without a glance, a gesture that tore at his heart but also steeled his resolve.That night, Yuhan followed her discreetly to her modest home, a stark contrast to the life he now led. He observed her from a distance, his mind made up. He would do whatever it took to protect her and bring her back into his life, but with calculated steps. He was the mastermind, after all.…