The Dawn Of The Dragonheart

The Dawn Of The Dragonheart

18,729 1,521 26

A celestial dragon, a being that could bring peace to the land of Babylon, ending the war against dragons and humans. But there was also the existence of the celestial human, a being who brought peace to the land of Lyonesse.And so, these two beings became known as "the Rulers".However, the Rulers were both equally strong, and thus it became difficult for them to be able to bring peace together. And so, they decided to entrust their successors with bringing peace upon the land, instead.The successor of the celestial dragon, known as "the Dominion Ruler", was given a crystal known as the Dragonheart. It was said that this crystal contained power equivalent to that of the celestial dragon. And so, by using this Dragonheart, the successor would eventually become the Dominion Ruler.On the other hand, the successor of the celestial human, known as "the Monarchy Ruler", was given something else. That was the Sacred Treasure known as "the Monarchist Sword". By using this sword, the successor would eventually become the Monarchy ruler.The king of Babylon, Gilgamesh, dreamed of the successor of the celestial dragon. So, to obtain the peace his land deserved, he traveled in search of the dominion ruler. Those dreams not only reached the king of Babylon, the king of Lyonesse Arthur Pendragon, also have prophetic dreams. About the successor of the celestial human, the monarchy ruler.So both kings left their homes in search of those destined ones that would bring peace to their lands. But what they didn't know was that only one realm would be able to obtain peace.…

Humanity Last Hope ] Joongdok

Humanity Last Hope ] Joongdok

7,732 287 13

Esper x GuideSuddenly strange portals began to appear in Korea. Grotesque creatures emerged from those portals. They were known as errors. The emergence of the monsters was soon followed by the appearance of another phenomenon-manifestation of supernatural abilities in certain members of the population.They were known as espers. But they suffered from their own abilities, which made them overheat, that's why every esper needed their guide. The one that was in perfect sync with their powers, they were called guides and their bond with the esper was called Link.However, the S-rank esper, Yoo Joonghyuk, was unable to establish a bond with the guides provided to him. Everyone was so weak that no one could control Joonghyuk's immense power.Will Yoo Joonghyuk find his guide and become humanity's last hope?…

Humanity Last Hope ] Joongdok

Humanity Last Hope ] Joongdok

7,897 1,081 13

Esper x GuíaDe repente comenzaron a aparecer portales extraños en Corea. Criaturas grotescas emergieron de esos portales. Fueron conocidos como errores. A la aparición de los monstruos pronto siguió la manifestación de otro fenómeno: habilidades sobrenaturales en ciertos miembros de la población.Eran conocidos como espers. Pero sufrían por sus propias habilidades, lo que los hacía sobrecalentarse, por eso todo esper necesitaba su guía. Al que estaba en perfecta sincronía con sus poderes, se les llamaba guías y su vínculo con los esper se llamaba Link.Sin embargo, el Esper de rango S, Yoo Joonghyuk, no pudo establecer un vínculo con los guías que le proporcionaron. Todos estaban tan débiles que nadie podía controlar el inmenso poder de Joonghyuk.¿Encontrará Yoo Joonghyuk a su guía y se convertirá en la última esperanza de la humanidad?…

Dead Retribution

Dead Retribution

20,884 1,425 14

A strange virus spreads throughout a school and the city is probably infected too. This virus transforms the dead into living corpses that eat human flesh and brutally attack everything in their path.In search of survival, a couple of students do everything in their power to not die in the school full of zombies. But in the midst of this chaos, other conflicts will arise between the survivors, splitting them apart.…

Thousand Years War: Cursed Flower

Thousand Years War: Cursed Flower

33,930 4,632 25

En las afueras del oeste de Tokio, se encuentra una pequeña aldea llamada Tsukuyomi, que rebosa de buen ambiente y vegetación. En el pasado, esta aldea era conocida por todas partes por sus extrañas reglas, que todos tenían que cumplir. Pero con el paso de los años, esta regla fue olvidada y nadie recuerda la leyenda en la que creían los ancianos.La aldea Tsukuyomi siempre estuvo involucrada en diferentes rumores y siempre había una leyenda diferente en boca de los aldeanos. Esta vez la leyenda hablaba de un niño maldito de ojos rojos que traería consigo el cataclismo en el momento en que naciera en este mundo.El niño maldito no era la única leyenda de la que hablaban los ancianos, también hablaban del niño bendecido por dios. Sin embargo, el bendito siempre nacería en la aldea vecina: la aldea de Amaterasu.En una noche fría, la luz y la oscuridad nacieron dentro de dos niños especiales. La sumo sacerdote emitió una orden religiosa contra esos dos bebés.Luz y Oscuridad, deben permanecer sin mezclarse. El hijo de Dios permanecerá puro, mientras que el hijo del diablo arderá en mil llamas.…

Thousand Years War: Cursed Flower

Thousand Years War: Cursed Flower

79,978 3,999 25

On the western outskirts of Tokyo, lies a small village called Tsukuyomi, which is overflowing with good atmosphere and greenery. In the past, this town was known far and wide for its strange rules, which everyone had to abide by. But over the years, this rule was forgotten and no one remembers the legend that the old people believed in.The Tsukuyomi village was always involved in different rumors and there was always a different legend on the lips of the villagers. On this occasion, the legend spoke of a cursed child with red eyes who would bring the cataclysm with him the moment he was born in this world.The cursed child was not the only legend that the elders spoke of, they also spoke of the child blessed by God. However, the blessed one would always be born in the neighboring village: the village of Amaterasu.On a cold night, light and darkness were born within two special children. The high priestess issued a religious order against those two babies.Light and Darkness must remain unmixed. The son of God will remain pure, while the son of the devil will burn in a thousand flames.…