

637 20 12

Alone.Numb.Cold.Tired.Sad.Thats all Katelyn feels anymore. That is until she started cutting.She acts like she can take the beatings from her father, and the verbal abuse from her mom and the bulliesbut in reality,She's Drifting...…

Remember Me. (Renovating, Do not read)

Remember Me. (Renovating, Do not read)

8,803 52 22

My fingers clutched the letter he had given me before walking into the black van with the other boys; he always did this when he went on tour, he always gave me a letter before he left with them. What he didn't know was that I kept his little letters, I still had the two from his other tours, and I hoped this one would be no different. His messy hand written scribbling out "I love you's" and our inside jokes. His sloppy signature at the bottom, and the little smiley face he always drew with the words "Remember me." next to it. It was his thing to do.One fateful night on tour, Harry is in an accident. A accident that strips him of all but a few memories. How will his girlfriend of three years react? How will she get Harry to remember her and his life, when she's still struggling to come to grips with the accident, and the brutal memories its left her with? How will Harry react when the only thing any says to him is, "Remember Me?"…


119 5 2

Catholic raised, High School soccer player Nicholas Panson is beginning to have issues.Only a few weeks into his senior year and he finds himself already questioning sexuality. Is he straight? Is he gay?No. He cannot be gay. His parents would freak out, despise him even, if he was gay.But then there is Christopher, his new Honors English partner, his new friend, his -questionably- new crush.Everything happening at once leaves Nick wondering if he really is "Straight."…