The Library of Time

The Library of Time

30 0 20

(2016)After unlocking a strange door at the furthest corner of the school, Physics major Bonnie Burton finds herself trapped in the library of time: a maze of newspapers and publications warning of a decaying future....This is a short novel I wrote in middle grade, lol.Did you know I was better known for writing Sci-fi? Now I've gone deep into the horror genre, haven't I?Anyway, here's the synopsis.…

Fa's Blog, I guess 🔮✨️ (NSFW)

Fa's Blog, I guess 🔮✨️ (NSFW)

111 0 2

Ok...everyoneCan you hear me? 💻So, this is a blog I started AGES ago (back in high school) thanks to my best friend Sam (shoutout to Sam and the amazing cover she made for this).I'll look through it for a while and think I will add some new sections.I'm planning to do a digital diary kinda thing.Enjoy!…

Red Heart-Shaped Sunglasses

Red Heart-Shaped Sunglasses

8 0 2

When Keira's sunglasses go missing, she takes off with her hermit best friend Huxley to explore the offers at the University's friday bazaar. However, she would never have guessed that a major curse was hiding behind small letters and low prices.…

All the Angels

All the Angels

6 0 1

YOU ARE ALL TO BLAME.An alternative ending to one of my favourite sci-fi novels: The Midwich Cuckoos, by John Wyndham.(I know there's a new series comming out, but I highly recommend John Carpenter's "Village of the Damned". That's my favourite adaptation.)⚠ SPOILERS AHEAD⚠️*This is a rewriting of the novel's ending, so if you're interested in reading it or watching any of the movies, do so before reading this story. There's NO WAY you can purposely spoil yourself such a good story. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED*Shoutout to Wyndham and MCR for the amazing inspo. All rights reserved to them, not to me.(2022)…

The Mystery of the Chickens (A Sherlock parody #1)

The Mystery of the Chickens (A Sherlock parody #1)

49 5 4

After spending months in war, Dr. John Fatson returns to his natal country. But reestablishing in London could be hard for him as he has no friends, no job and, obviously, no money. Because of the need to find a cheap flat, he gets to meet Mr. Sherlex Holmes, a mysterious and cold man with a great deducing capacity. Once living with Sherlex, now Fatson has to discover everything about his new flatmate's life, and unriddle the analysing process that happens inside his methodical mind. But this little investigation could put the Dr.'s life at risk and place him face to face with crime.DISCLAIMER:Though the story and main characters are my own, the Sherlex Holmes series is a parody of Connan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes Adventures" and the BBC TV series "Sherlock". Just the same, this specific story includes some of the original characters and places. The corresponding author and franchises have complete rights over the use of these resources, they're not my own.(2017)…

The Hound on the Screen (A Sherlock Parody #5)

The Hound on the Screen (A Sherlock Parody #5)

25 0 9

Naughty as always, Dr. Fatson (the Literature Doctor) starts teasing Sherlex with horror stories until realizing their new detective case is no more than living in a real urban legend. Following his partner through the investigation of a teenager's subbit death, caused by a disturbing hound's picture, Phd. Fatson will get a taste of his own creepy medicine.DISCLAIMER:Though the story and main characters are my own, the Sherlex Holmes series is a parody of Connan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes Adventures" and the BBC TV series "Sherlock". Just the same, this specific story includes some of the original characters and places. The corresponding author and franchises have complete rights over the use of these resources, they're not my own.(2017)…

My Dearest, Sherlex (A Sherlock Parody - FINALE)

My Dearest, Sherlex (A Sherlock Parody - FINALE)

23 0 15

"My Dearest,Sherlex . You've been missing for an entire week today. I guess it's clear by now, that you're not thinking of coming back."-As the last of Sherlex Holme's adventures, the consulting danger whetective suddenly disappeares. Vanishing from his dear best friend PHD. Fatson. Beig the lover he is, Fatson cannot go on licing without his roomate, condition which makes his whole life to start crumbling down. However, just as he's starting to cope with depression, Fatson finds an eccentric strager who might just perfectly know where his dearest Sherlex is.DISCLAIMER:Though the story and main characters are my own, the Sherlex Holmes series is a parody of Connan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes Adventures" and the BBC TV series "Sherlock". Just the same, this specific story includes some of the original characters and places. The corresponding author and franchises have complete rights over the use of these resources, they're not my own.(2017)…

La Nueva Residente de Reynalds Abbey
Doña Rocío Lengua Larga

Doña Rocío Lengua Larga

5 0 6

En el diminuto pueblo de San Velasco Minero las costumbres son lo más importante. Influenciada por su cultura y los prejuicios sociales que existen en el pueblo la joven Azucena se ve obligada a llevar una vida limitada y aburrida. Pero su terquedad la llevará a romper con estas ideas y salir a buscar su propio futuro.Sin embargo, ésta aventura no le será nada fácil. Doña Rocío, la vecina más entrometida de su calle, no permitirá que las cosas se salgan de control y, sobre todo, no permitirá que dañen su propiedad.(2018)…

As 33

As 33

11 1 4

In the new independent nation of California, everybody have to do certain things, talk in a certain way and follow certain rules in order to become a good citizen and give thanks to the government for all the things it does for you everyday. But Sigmund Tubbler has stopped being able to fulfil his responsibilities with the government after his father's death, and he knows the government's behind him.The only option he haves if he wants to survive, is to break the rules.(2016)…

Sacándolo Todo

Sacándolo Todo

45 12 5

Un nuevo año escolar está comenzando y Hester se encuentra en un salón lleno de gente rara y completamente nueva para ella, lejos de Tom, su mejor amigo. La vida es mala para ella, pues pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo sola, pero lo único que la reconforta es el hecho de que verá a Tom (quien no está menos solo que ella) en la hora del recreo. Pero un día las cosas cambian y Tom parece haber encontrado una "nueva amiga". Este es el evento más trágico en la vida de Hester y es el momento en el que necesita tomar una decisión; se quedará sola por siempre y esperando fielmente que Tom regrese a su lado, o hará un esfuerzo para encajar en su nueva sociedad y hacer nuevos amigos?(2015)…

Throwing all out

Throwing all out

40 9 9

A new school year is beginning and Hester founds herself in a classroom full of strange and brand new people, far from her best friend Tom. Life is bad for her, though she spend most of her time alone, but she's only comforted by the fact that she always sees Tom at lunchtime (who isn't less lonely than her). But one day things changes and Tom seems to had found a new friend. This is the most drastic event in Hester's life and she'll need to make a decision; will she stay alone forever expecting Tom to return beside her, or will she make an effort to fit in society and make new friends?But, could there be a third option?(2015)…