

178 3 1

"Running this realm." I stated and she stop facing me the once smile that displayed on her face fully tranced into a small frown. We stare at one another feeling time pass up in silence.A hand.She held her hand out reaching for me. I stared at her before having my eyes shift to her hand then back to her face to study it, the moonlight showcase her dark complexion bring her dark brown eyes out as her long lashes rises when she blinks."You are tired, no?" She asked and with that question I slip my shoes off taking her hand stepping in the lake with her to only have the water stop at my knee. I held her right hand bring it to lips planting a kiss."I am very tired." I told her. "But I would love to know the name of a woman who I having a pleasant experience with." I stated seeing her eyes looking at mine with awe."S-Sonia." She answered"Sonia; how did you get in my palace?" I asked her raising my arm that held her hand she smile spinning around. "Your cousin Rachel; I am one of her ladies-in-waiting." She answered and I smile happens to cross my face. My uncle and his family will be staying with us for spring a good enough time for me to court this little joy I found. "Isn't this nice?" Being pulled from my thoughts Sonia asked a question as she was looking up. I did the same seeing the pitch black sky follow with small stars. "It is." I answered being in the moment. As many women I see from balls and dinner party I have never met a childish yet deep thinker."I love thee outside." Sonia spoke softly in a whisper; I brought my attention to her looking up as if she was caught in a trance. "It's beautiful you get to see the world for how it really is; especially at night." She said as I stared admiring her in her truth."Yes, simply breathtaking."…



2,373 141 7

"State your full name.""Makar Aliah Nikiforov." I answered."Age?""Twenty one" I muttered looking around the empty room. Nothing but a table that has my wrist handcuffs in the center. I boredly tug on them already dismissing the interrogation."You know why you're here?" The old detective asked and I yawn. "For attempted murder, vandalism, breaking and entering and assault with a deadly weapon even though I feel like I shouldn't be charge with that since it practically the same thing as attempted murder." I spoke, leaning my head down a little to itch my head."Ha; unlike the rest of your family members they usually play dumb." He said and I shrug my shoulder. "I don't have to play dumb knowing I'm getting out of a easy situation." I stated. "You're a walking Tyrant I don't think you're going to get out of this one." He said with a serious look on his face. I lean back in my seat giving him a calm smile "Thank you for the compliment."…

Darling Addictive

Darling Addictive

7,449 466 13

[Book 2 of "Nanny Dearest"]Have you ever felt an itch?Like one that you can't scratch It's tempting It's aggravatingAnd it won't go away.I've been clean for a year and five months This itch feel like it's coming back.Attempting to balancing out being a fucking father and working on top of that having a postpartum depressed girlfriend and trying to keep my own mental health cleared.I might just need to scratch that itch…

My husband is My Husband

My husband is My Husband

946 57 2

Eddie and Pearl are 37 and 35 year old married couple. They live a perfect life with their children and strive to give them what they didn't have growing up as any parent would. Eddie is a hard worker and make sure his wife and kids enjoys the the fruits of his labor, he lives in a happy wife happy life aspect. Pearl is a stay at home mother who take part in different kinds of projects and hobbies, she enjoys spending time with her kids something she didn't have much growing as a child.But what if things are not what it seems?What would you do if your husband kept secrets?What would you do when you found them?How would you go about your marriage after finding out?Most importantly Do you really know who your husband really is?…

Nanny Dearest

Nanny Dearest

1,203,849 58,625 126

Started- September 2019Competed - October 2022Oh I didn't know it would be this big. Looking out the window from the uber I that stop at the gate with a few guards standing in front of it. I got out the car thanking the driver and getting on my phone making sure I gave the nice old man a five star he was really friendly, by the way. Putting my phone in my pocket while I held my resume tight I walk up towards the two man that stood by the gate. One on the left move up meeting me holding his hand out, I gave him my paper assuming he's looking over it since he held the paper in his eye view. He looks at the other man who was on the right and nodded his head, his partner put some type of pin which cause the gates to open. My resume was gladly handed back to me as the man who held it started walking in and motion me to follow. Looking around I watch some of the gardeners tending to the front yard some maids was around picking flowers as well. A small smile crossed my lips as I continue to scan the seancery, this place seems perfect to work in very peaceful and pretty who knew a CEO of a company would have such a pretty place to stay in you would think he would be a female.…

Protector (editing)

Protector (editing)

318,097 13,988 60

I take care of this man. He is 26 years old and his name is Sebastian. Sebastian have heh a medical problem.. H..he's smart in some ways and sweet it's hard to take him out in public when people gives him stares. He sometimes twitch and talks to himself sometime but I could careless. Once you get to know him he's really sweet,kind,loving and caring.…