Susurros ancestrales

Susurros ancestrales

249 31 16

Itzmin era una niña tranquila disfrutando de su ya adolescencia, tenia interéses como cualquier otra persona. Lo que más le gustaba era saber más de los mexicas y siempre se imaginaba como debió ser la ciudad durante su esplendor, sin embargo, nunca quiso verla con sus propios ojos, hasta que tuvo que hacerlo ya que algo salió terriblemente mal. Itzmin fue enviada devuelta a la floreciente ciudad de Tenochtitlan, no tenía a nadie en ese lugar así que tuvo que aprender a valerse por si misma y a confiar en extraños para sobrevivir. Lo que más deseaba era regresar a su periodo actual pero conforme paso el tiempo esto se torno aún más difícil al descubrir que era parte de una profecía y había sido escogida por alguien que tratará de impedir su regreso para salvar a la ciudad. Menciones de sangre, muerte y sacrificios, se recomienda discreción*Contiene lenguaje náhuatl…

Ancient Whispers

Ancient Whispers

537 20 21

Itzmin was a quiet girl enjoying her adolescence, she had interests like any other person. What she liked the most was knowing more about the Mexicas and she always imagined how the city must have looked during its peak, however, she never intended to see it with her own eyes, until she had to due to something that went terribly wrong. Itzmin was sent back to the flourishing city of Tenochtitlan, she was alone so she had to learn to fend for herself and trust strangers to survive. What she wanted the most was to return to her current period but as time went by this became even more difficult when upon discovering that she was part of a prophecy and had been chosen by someone who will try to prevent her from returning in order to save the city.*Contains words in spanish and náhuatlTw:// mentions of blood, death and sacrifices, viewers discretion is advised…

Nikola Tesla x Reader

Nikola Tesla x Reader

11,466 349 20

Just the title :v…



219 3 19

Contains fanart of Creepypastas, videogames...(More on my Instagram as Darinkaart)…

Short Stories

Short Stories

79 13 9

This was made for my grammar projects and ideas I never got to finished…