A tale about the cigarettes of Edgar Domidov

A tale about the cigarettes of Edgar Domidov

19 5 4

Ever thought of quitting smoking? This book might help! Meet Richard Wright, an addict who hates lessons on quitting smoking. Maybe his mother's tale about the cigarettes of Edgar Domidov will change his mind as he goes into a pocket dimension based on that tale.Full title: "Thank you, i don't smoke" in the tale about the cigarettes of Edgar DomidovOriginal Polish title: Opowieść o papierosach Edgara Domidov'a…

The Rose

The Rose

28 1 5

Rose Calmit and Tom Constant find a rose buried in garden of Kingdom of Aloska. None knew how it go there, with the royal family of Kingdom of Aloska keeping the flower in their palace.Few years later, we see romance between Rose and Tom. Years after that, happened the wedding, and then something horrible happened after it. And even years after that...…

Fear of Heights

Fear of Heights

86 13 6

Natasha Roberts suddenly wakes up on top of a skyscraper. With no knowledge on how she got there and a massive fear of heights she has, she is forced to walk through a wire dangling above a street in a big city to get to the other skyscraper and escape. In this story meet her on a journey to a world where fear of height rules, and as she explores it, discover on how she got on a skyscraper in a first place.NOTICE: This story contains spoiler content warnings. To see them, check the fourth part of this story. Also rated mature due story containing things mentioned in content warnings. Not all of the story has mature themes.…

Garbage Story To Laugh At

Garbage Story To Laugh At

12 3 2

Are you fricking tried of all of these perfect ultra plot-rich errorless stories written by these pesky professional writers? Do you want to look at some shitty writing before you write your own cow crap? Dont worry! Cause this book is just for you!Grammar errors, laungauge errors, bad writing, poor plot, you name it!Everything that can be bad about a wattpad book is here! This is more of a comedy than actually garbage but who cares.I hope you survive this nightmare!(You wont)The actually description of this story starts bellow this line:----------------------------The fatter never allowed her to leave her house but she loves him! Samantha was not like all girls. She was skinny but sometime she gained weight to make her boyfriend cry. By that i meant that she lobed her lover who she couldn't be with because of her father(i mean fatter sirry englich my second launljaage)).Mike was his name(the name Goverment knew him by). Samantha loved mike because he was so cute.Because Samantha couldn't go outside because of her Father because the father of samantha didnt like mike, she is now determinated to meet Mike. No matter if her fatter say no.- I will get him to me - glancing her ruby spheres at the ceiling, sajd Samantha.…

Opowieść o papierosach Edgara Domidov'a (Polski)

Opowieść o papierosach Edgara Domidov'a (Polski)

7 4 4

Myślałeś kiedyś o rzuceniu palenia? Ta książka może pomóc! Poznaj Richarda Wrighta, nałogowca, który nienawidzi lekcji na temat rzucania palenia. Być może opowieść jego matki o papierosach Edgara Domidova zmieni jego zdanie, podczas gdy on przenosi się do kieszonkowego wymiaru opartego na tej opowieści.…