Where is he?

Where is he?

2,041 40 29

Kaminari is gone, he left without a word. But why? What caused this seemingly happy go lucky attitude to seemingly just leave without a word. When did he leave, why, where is he? Are just a few of the questions they have.'Mature' because it does say some bad words. Other than it's pretty safe for now lol…

How it all starts

How it all starts

1,057 27 15

Kaminari has always been someone who's just a flirt and just asked any girl with a nice body out without second thought. But once he gets accepted into U.A and meets new people he knows he's gotta change in a way, and hopefully find friends and maybe a future wife. But is mostly here to be a hero(Imma try to keep this story as close as 'factually correct' ex. Denki being a 1/6 in intelligence and his mental and physical strengths but maybe adding idk, introducing a family of sorts into this? Or him not being smart but somewhere in the middle like a 2.5/6 or something like that. So in short I'll keep it as close to the canon but may switch up stuff for idk for fun I guess lol)…