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Crazystar heard a prophecy that predicted the rise of the Place of No Stars and has been worried ever since..... Can she defeat Splashheart and his army again? *** Flamekit's mother is Crazystar the leader of ThunderClan. Flamekit and his brother Blazekit aren't like most kits...for one thing they actually behave and listen to other cats. Flamekit is following the path to becoming a warrior...but visions of his Clan battling strange cats continue to trouble him in his sleep. He tries to find out who these cats might be...and the answer he discovers scares him more than anything he could imagine. *** When Whitepaw, Pinefoot's son, made the decision to become Honeywhisker's apprentice he still longed to become a warrior. Hunting sounded boring but fighting? Now that was interesting... He sneaks out of camp to watch his sister's mentor teach her battle moves and thankfully isn't caught. But a certain gray-and-white tom noticed his interest in fighting and Whitepaw finds himself in a strange forest with two cats offering to train him. Of course, he accepts. Splashheart, Smokewhisker, Thornwhisker, and the rest of his allies want Whitepaw to side with them most of all, because, after all, who would suspect a medicine cat? *** Redpaw is a normal apprentice. She isn't great at fighting but she's a spectacular hunter. She notices her brother, Whitepaw, acting strangely and growing more distant from her. Perhaps it's part of being a medicine cat, a world Redpaw could never be a part of, but still, she feels the need to investigate... When Liontail catches her listening to a conversation between her brother and Honeywhisker, Redpaw explains the problem. Liontail says that there's nothing unusual about Whitepaw's behavior and that medicine cats are different from warriors. Is Redpaw the only one who suspects something more than that?…