CORRUPTED (Book 3 of the Tempted Series)

CORRUPTED (Book 3 of the Tempted Series)

48,048 2,553 23

IF YOU HAVEN'T READ "AREN'T YOU TEMPTED" OR "MANIPULATED" BOOKS A AND B PLEASE DO SO.Anti and Dark are gone, and you are left to rule the Other World as its queen. You've been a good leader so far. The egos seem pleased with you, and there hasn't been any chaos ever since Anti and Dark disappeared to an unknown world. But there are still some egos who are skeptical of you. They don't know if they can trust you being their leader, having a piece of Anti's soul inside you and all. They fear it might do dangerous, even damaging, things. But as of right now, they are content. But are you? You feel like you're missing something. Like a piece of you has been torn and locked away somewhere you can't reach. You miss Anti and you know he's alive. You want to find him, but how can you do that when you don't know where he is or how to contact him? With the reluctant help of some familiar faces, you are determined to find Anti, and bring him home. But the question is: how do you pull him back into the Other World without pulling Dark along as well?Or even worse... What if Dark already found a way out?…

Tempted (Antisepticeye x Reader)

Tempted (Antisepticeye x Reader)

284,084 8,669 19

You're a girl who lives by yourself in an apartment. you have a job to survive, but life gets pretty dull. In order to escape from your boring life alone, you decided to make your own youtube channel. You're just starting out so it's expected that you don't have a whole lot of subscribers, but you know after watching your favorite Youtuber, Jacksepticeye, you can grow and form a great community. And maybe even get the chance to make it a career. But then something happens as you are watching another Jacksepticeye video. Everything changes, and now all you are left with, is an opportunity that could change your entire youtube career, and the fact that there's someone there with you. Watching. Waiting. P̨͉͎̩ͨͥ̅ͮͬṟ̸̯̝̞̰̳̦̃͛̑͒̄ȯ̪͎̝̪̜̰͙̓v̞͇̥͖̫̲̊̾ͪo̓̒̽͒k̳͓̝͔̫̟͍i͉͎̭̰̽n͔̟̞͙ͅgͪ̇͋̅͐͆̎ ͕͍̼͚̤͇͊̔̏͛͜⚠️WARNING ⚠️Contains strong language, blood, violence, ❌ trigger warnings indicated❌ and a little bit of spicy content.…

MANIPULATED Book A (Sequel to Tempted)

MANIPULATED Book A (Sequel to Tempted)

175,938 8,257 46

IF YOU HAVE NOT READ "AREN'T YOU TEMPTED", PLEASE DO SO. AS THIS WILL MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO YOU WHATSOEVER. You decided to: let him stay.Welcome back reader.So... You decided to let Anti stay, huh? Was that really the smartest choice? Dont worry, if you want to change your mind after reading the description, you can. But as soon as you start to read the first chapter of any of the two books, your fate has been sealed. Like I said before: choose WISELY. But if you are fully convinced that this is the only way to go, then by all means, go forth on your journey. Anti is now a part of you. You released him from Jack's prison of a body, and now he is a piece of you. He can now roam free, without any barriers holding him back. But if a demon has possession over your soul and speaking into your mind, wouldn't that change some things? Your decisions? Your thoughts? You bet.And you've head Anti mention every once and a while something about 'another evil' causing pain and suffering to other people. It has caused you to wonder what that may be. And now Anti thinks that this exact thing is making it's comeback. And Anti is seen as a threat and is now being targeted. And that means you are too.SAME WARNINGS GO FOR THIS BOOK ⚠️WARNING ⚠️Contains strong language, blood, violence, ❌possible trigger warnings❌ And not-so-smut (yes its a thing because I invented it. It means there some smut but like nothing actually HAPPENING. At least not in writing...)…

MANIPULATED Book B (Sequel to Tempted)

MANIPULATED Book B (Sequel to Tempted)

80,239 3,597 32

IF YOU HAVE NOT READ "AREN'T YOU TEMPTED", PLEASE DO SO. AS THIS WILL MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO YOU WHATSOEVER. You decided to: let him go. Welcome back reader.So... You have decided to let Anti go. Interesting... Dont worry, if you want to change your mind after reading the description, you can. But as soon as you start to read the first chapter of any of the two books, your fate has been sealed. Like I said before: choose WISELY. But if you are fully convinced that this is the only way to go, then by all means, go forth on your journey. You let him go. And you start to regret it. You realize that you still love him. But at the same time, you have become very aware of your surroundings, checking your computer for any unnatural signs, looking behind your back as you walk down the street, and lock your bedroom door before you sleep. You feel Anti there watching you. It's quite annoying, but you cant help but get chills every time you think about what Anti said to you. "I not finished with you yet." What does he plan to do to you? Or a better question: what does HE plan to do with you? Turns out you just might be more valuable that you were said to beSAME WARNINGS GO FOR THIS BOOK ⚠️WARNING ⚠️Contains strong language, blood, violence, ❌possible trigger warnings❌ And not-so-smut (yes its a thing because I invented it. It means there some smut but like nothing actually HAPPENING. At least not in writing...)…