dreams of love

dreams of love

93 3 3

story about a princess named Sora metting someone one day, and starts having experiences of love and being cared for the rest of her life but this is just the beginning of their story…

Ill be your angel ♡

Ill be your angel ♡

2,465 70 3

Stan and Kenny both care for each other but Kenny always dies. But after all they still get to stay together no matter what happens but once something happens will Stan be able to keep Kenny's secret?…

q u o t e s

q u o t e s

1,534 68 14

Here in your arms

Here in your arms

5,375 129 8

Kyle loves Stan and is always there for him, Stan is in love with kyle too but doesnt know if he shares the same feelings. But, Kenny loves kyle a lot and wants to do everything to protect him...what happens?…

someone like you

someone like you

5,453 142 8

Flippy used to be in the army before his school life began and he would always have bad dreams and remembrance of gun shots, killings, and other things. He had started a new life at his new highschool and met tons of friends but then it all changes when he meets a girl named Flaky.…

☆k a w a i i✿
Secret Garden ~

Secret Garden ~

1,222 50 3



183 5 2

Honey has a bad nightmare about takashi and doesn't know what to think of it. he asks takashi if he really does hate him or not, but what else happens?…

One week love

One week love

222 1 7

Hase & Fujimiya start a relationship with one another but what happens when something does seriously wrong?…

I love you ♥

I love you ♥

3,556 125 3

Alfred & Kiku start hanging out a lot more than usual, Alfred wants to tell his feelings for Kiku and so does Kiku. Are they going to stay friends or confess their feelings.…

sad beautiful love

sad beautiful love

127 3 2

Rei has been gone for a while and no one knows why he left or where he went. Nagisa has grown to miss him and regrets that he could never tell his feelings to him. But then he finds him...…

perfect days with you

perfect days with you

737 17 3

yasuna and Sonya get caught up in the rain and wait until it stops under a bus stop. A lot of things start to happen while its raining.…

shojo manga recommends

shojo manga recommends

4,415 19 10

this is just a thing on Shojo mangas if your wanting to read some new ones or if your just beginning to read manga. So I hope you like it su ~…

Wishes ❄

Wishes ❄

96 0 8

kyouya & mitsuki are two brothers living with their little sister Rena. Suddenly their life has completely changed around when a transfer student Sora comes along. Can they keep his secret?…