Crazy World

Crazy World

162 15 6

Hi I'm Bella Joe and I love everything. Unlike my friends, I am the happiest person you could ever know but if you get to know me and see what I'm like without people around me... You would change your mind.…

A second chance

A second chance

130 5 1

It happened so fast, too fast, I couldn't deal with the torture any more it was making me miserable, I had to end it. I decided that it was time, I wasn't holding back any more , I just let it go. I heard cries and weeps then nothing, just nothing. Suddenly I woke up gasping for air my heart was pounding , I was struggling to breathe, I realised I was alive again but every thing was black completely black. I was feeling extremely claustrophobic then I started to scream I was scratching my nails on a hard type of wood. My nails were bleeding from trying to escape this kind of box. Then I heard voices , they were panicking after a while I stopped trying to escape I knew it was no use. I had fainted and I woke half woke up heating the voices of my loved ones except one of my family members Jake my older brother. I woke up once again and started vomiting, the nurses starting to yell "she's awake" and then I started to smile and realised I was going to be ok, I have a second chance.…