OC tickle stories or blogs

OC tickle stories or blogs

21 0 1

Guts.... No way.We are going to make a new book about nothing....…

Undetale Tickle Stories Or Blogs

Undetale Tickle Stories Or Blogs

702 5 5

Today........I am let u tickle this a minute bye bye…

Lucy runs the way

Lucy runs the way

67 4 4

Everytime, sans and colleen and papyrus sat alone in this house. one morning, sans get all of lucy's marshmallows and eat them. papyrus saw at him but colleen is laughing at him. "oh brother, why wont you put it back on the shelf so you wont eat them too long." said papyrus "okay" sans say before papyrus takes it very very down and angry..... "okay that it's time for you to play for something on your feet" he said while he's touch and lick his feet but sans laughed too hard "ahahahahahahahahahahaha nohohoho papyrus nohohohohot the tohohohohohohoes im sohohohohohory"later, lucy saw sans' feet really so ticklish"wow, dad. this is the very imagination in the world" lucy said happily and joyfulthe end…