My Sweet Affinity

My Sweet Affinity

822 22 7

Despite his origins, Tsuna is a highly respected profiler and a proud agent of the IOC (The International Office of Criminal Investigation). He has been for almost 4 years. He'd been in some tough spots before. Combine being a profiler with an interesting childhood and there's really no avoiding it. But getting arrested by his own agency isn't ideal.…

As Long As You're Alive

As Long As You're Alive

158 4 1

Tsuna glanced over at the clock again, taking in the soft ticking. He sat up, straightening the way he'd been taught to always do.He was still in his suit, uncomfortable as it was, it was the only thing that felt familiar at this point. There was still the irritable urge to reach down and straighten it. Tuck his dress shirt into his pants. Redo his tie. Button his blazer.All the things he was expected to do automatically, and all the things he shouldn't care about. Not anymore.…

Love. Denial. Acceptance.

Love. Denial. Acceptance.

264 11 1

Reborn and Tsuna have known each other for years. They've been best friends for years. Tsuna's hoped for something more for years. And yet, when it really came down to it, Tsuna would rather destroy any chance he ever had with Reborn and break his own heart than to see the teen in any unnecessary pain.So that's exactly what he did.(Be aware there's a lot of cursing in this)…

Your Cuddles Are My Coffee

Your Cuddles Are My Coffee

264 19 1

Despite all the years in the past where Tsuna was tormented, he has found his happiness. Life is good, especially when he and Reborn are together.They are all they could ever ask for, and all they could ever want.…

Love Always

Love Always

74 6 1

Dear Beloved,I had a dream yesterday.In my dream, you came back home.…

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

104 9 1

No matter how many times Tsuna's failed over the years nothing's managed to hurt him as much as this. Having everything he ever wanted at his fingertips only to have it ripped away due to his own cowardice burned worse than anything else. He really was just the same Dame-Tsuna as he had been back in school and he didn't know when he'd managed to convince himself otherwise.(Be aware there is a lot of cursing)…