final space - enemies to lovers (fox x little cato)

final space - enemies to lovers (fox x little cato)

488 15 8

vantrexians and tryvuulians have been against each other for a thousand years, and they still are to this day. that's why fox and little cato never got along...because of their history. they had to hate each other, but sometimes little cato and fox didn't feel hatred around each other, they felt another feeling but they didn't know what it was. they didn't wanna know what it was, and tried to hide their feelings by hating each other, but nothing can stop that feeling...not even hate.…

final space gary x avocato

final space gary x avocato

20,680 421 45

this is an au where avocato and gary are in a relationship…

final space dante x avocato

final space dante x avocato

234 5 5

avocato is the second in command of the Lord Commander, Dante is one of the warrior's for the lord commander. And one has feelings for the other.…