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Cursed to be away from his brothers and wives, Arjun couldn't help but smile, "If Paramaatma wants to test me then it is my fortune." He said. Awarded with a lonely life with misery, his ardhangini, his Samragyi, Krishnaa is born again centuries later to share his pain. "If I have been a truthful and diligent wife to the five, then may Mahadev allow me to share the burden of this curse." She had said, centuries before, and now here she was, born again in the mortal world, and took away his miseries with a snap of her finger. Arjun had lived long, and here she was, born yesterday as a delicate flower;Yet she is the Knight in shining armour, coming to rescue her beloved. Draupadi loved her husbands more than she loved herself, and there was nothing she wouldn't do for them. And when there was a choice between eternal heaven or a life with Arjun in the mortal world, she didn't hesitate twice before wanting to be born again. Set thousand years after the Kurukshetra War.…