The Beauty and her Beast

The Beauty and her Beast

634 6 11

This story is set in the middle ages and follows a young princess struggling with the challenges of ruling a kingdom, being forced into an arranged marriage and a secret lover who is not all he seems. Will Ria and Felix elude her parents and remain together? Or will Ria's parents drive the lovers apart? But most important of all, can the beauty tame her beast? Very, very short description as I don't want to give too much away.... even though full summary is on the first page.....…

Love in the Time of Demons

Love in the Time of Demons

4 1 1

Set in Victorian Edinburgh, a young human woman discovers that the man she has fallen for is none other than the Demon King! Very bad at descriptions, this is just a short story, read at your own peril...…

Run Free And Wild (watty awards2016) - Completed

Run Free And Wild (watty awards2016) - Completed

7,822 204 23

Aleksandryja Edrick. The girl who you don't even know exists. Maybe you've copied a couple times off her in class or she's done your homework for you. But she's just another outcast. A sheep among wolves. Literally. The town she lives in, unbeknownst to her, is full of werewolves! She's one of only seven humans in a town of 2600 people! Talk about rare. Wolfgang Burkan. The popular sexy god of McCullough High School. Every guy wants to be him, every girl wants to be with him, yet none of them catch his eyes, apart from one... the lonely outcast Aleks. Did I mention that he's a werewolf? The alpha of the strongest pack in Scotland? Hell, strongest in Britain, maybe even the world! Aleks does not know how to take Wolfgang's sudden interest in her, but slowly opens up to him; having a crush on the guy who asks you out kinda does that to a girl. Soon Aleks begins to get suspicious of Wolfgang and his strange mannerisms: the growling, his overprotective nature and possessiveness, and let's not forget the fact that a large black wolf seems to follow her whenever she's in the woods. She soon discovers the horrifying truth about Wolfgang and the rest of her town. Oh, and the fact that her two incredibly protective older brothers are hunters. Werewolf hunters to be exact! In a story of love, betrayal, conflict and werewolves, shit is gonna literally hit the fan.…

A Demon In Heaven (ON HOLD)

A Demon In Heaven (ON HOLD)

1,100 30 12

A young girl, Nikita Lakstingalaite, runs away from home; away from neglectful parents who are forcing her into an arranged marriage just to get rid of her; and, in her infinite wisdom, decides to scale the enormous and terrifying Mountain Of The Gods. She is thrown through a vortex into Nidavellir; the world of the Gods; where she is hunted by the evil Titan Dominykas, Prince of the Gods. She is then taken to the city of Mordenheim and put on trial in front of the Gods. She begins to fall for the Prince of the Gods not realising that he is a Titan, the most evil of Titans: Dominykas. Dominykas decides to keep their love secret in order to protect Nikita from those who would hurt her to get to him. They gradually become closer, Nikita overcoming her fear of Dominykas, all the while forces are trying to pull them apart. Will they end up together? Or will Nikita's adopted parents' plan prove successful and pull the couple apart? You'll just have to find out.…

The Heart of A Viking

The Heart of A Viking

1,334 42 5

Adrienne Storm-born is a young girl of twenty and four years who works on her family's farm. One day whilst working the fields, a group of bandits rip through her small village, taking all the town's supplies and destroying their homes. Young Adrienne flees her destroyed home, heading to her Jarl's village for protection. There she meets the Berserker Ragnar, a cruel and heartless mountain of Viking.Ragnar Wartooth is a warrior of thirty years. He is a highly valued member of Jarl Erikur's army, him being a Berserker - a warrior of immense strength and power that can enter a fit of rage in battle. He also happens to be cursed by the God Loki into becoming a beast on the nights around the full moon. Upon answering his Jarl's summons he bumps into a young farm girl who causes him to feel something other than anger in his cold, black heart.What happens when Ragnar's world suddenly gets turned upside down as the quiet, self-conscious Adrienne quite literally crashes into his life?Will Ragnar let the love of his life leave, consigning himself to a life without her or will he hunt down his Adrienne and bring her back to his arms where she belongs?…