Protector Of Equestria 5

Protector Of Equestria 5

3 0 1

Blue Voltage and the Gang have discovered numerous anomalies affecting Equestria's Society and have assembled a counteractive operation to shutdown any potential threat throughout the Nation. Therefore, even outside the traditional COLT Agent Recruitment, Blue and Shockwave must ascend on a journey across the world to help repel against the solely responsible corporate.© 2018 BestBlueBird…

Protector Of Equestria 4

Protector Of Equestria 4

4 0 7

In Equestria, an infamous force of evil has unveiled itself to the lands and is ordered by the Jinx Twist, the Leader of Chaos, and now it's up to Blue and her unleashed Squad of Crime Busters to defend Equestria from the terror that's been corrupting the world.© 2017-2018 BestBlueBird…

DM And The Bird Team

DM And The Bird Team

5 0 14

Once DM The Raven and his friends realize Exo Bird is back, this time in Caparella City's grasp, they recognize his intention are to seek out the purpose of the birds themselves and ventures out to hunt down the Bird Academy, including the Bird Team attempting to avenge the landmark and foundation.© 2017 BestBlueBird…

Protector Of Equestria 3

Protector Of Equestria 3

9 0 7

The Ultra Agents Squad are sent on a quest to terminate the reign of Storm King's Rampage in Equestria and they discover that Aero Taser, an extremely well-protective Mastermind is in the Mercenary Collective Gang working with Storm King's Forces and has to defeat her to restore Equestria's Heritage.© 2017 BestBlueBird…

Protector Of Equestria 2

Protector Of Equestria 2

14 0 7

Agent Blue Voltage is back and is on a mission to stop Zephyr Stardust's Plans to using Magic against Equestria in the Phase called Impossible Insanity while in consideration of meeting her new friendship group outside of the COLT Agency.© 2015 BestBlueBird…

DM The Raven: Teens

DM The Raven: Teens

4 0 7

In Caparella High School, DM The Raven is using his teenager life to experience heroism along with his friends as an entire group. Normally, being a teenager is hard, but DM is confident enough to realize that there's more to offer.© 2016 BestBlueBird…

Protector Of Equestria

Protector Of Equestria

42 0 10

From the journey that started in Baltimare to Ponyville, a Blue Alicorn and a group of Ultra Agents are sent from COLT, on a mission to protect Equestria from eternal doom, and from an evil and corrupted empire ran by the hoofs of Queen Eclipse.© 2013 BestBlueBird…

DM The Raven: Bird Infinity

DM The Raven: Bird Infinity

21 0 7

In the World of Capacity (Earth), multiple land and sky species are born to achieve their destiny. However, a group of birds are assigned for ultimate completion above their will. In other words, these groups of birds are literal in their own ways to perform specialty.© 2014 BestBlueBird…

DM The Raven: Bird Elites

DM The Raven: Bird Elites

23 0 7

A terrible accident is breaking apart with the EXO Cooperation while filing the New York City Foundation. The Exo Birds were the obvious cause of the case when the Bird Academy of Southern, Caparella City found the case evidence and further more found a highly powered super-villain; Exo Bird.© 2015 BestBlueBird…