Y/N Lupin-Black And The Chosen God-Brother (FINISHED)

Y/N Lupin-Black And The Chosen God-Brother (FINISHED)

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/// THIS STORY HAS ENDED///Y/N Lupin-Black, Daughter of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Born on July 30 1980. Her life was simple-ish, sirius went to azkaban not even a year after she was born which left remus to raise her, he would go out every month for a couple of days and return injured leaving her in a humble, quiet cottage.Sirius Returned When she was 13, She is now 15 and living in Grimwald place.A white snowy owl, swoops in threw the window and drops of a letter, in a few days everything will change from Family, to Friends, to life itself. Y/N's Strange Powers will be tested along the way. Time Space: Order Of The Phoenix Disclaimer:HARRY POTTER IS NOT MINE. HARRY POTTER BELONGS TO JK ROWLING. THIS IS A FANFICTION AND IS BASED OF THE FOLLOWING FILM: -Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix…