The Lost Squadron (Mindcrack FF)

The Lost Squadron (Mindcrack FF)

169 5 38

There was a time at one point where they were conscidered heroes, those who fought for Mindcrack before the coming of age. However, heroes come, they fight, they disappear, stories become twisted. That is life. Guude returned to duty after years of retirement, and without his old friends he is thrust into new ones. A new team of people he has to learn about quickly, for the world as they knew it might depend on it.And perhaps, there will be chaos along the way.~THIS IS AN OLDER WRITE BUT IT LEADS INTO MORE LATER ON~…

A Dark World (Mindcrack FF)

A Dark World (Mindcrack FF)

1,470 197 57

They thought the war was over, but truly it had only just begun. Guude thinks that his Mindcrackers are safe, but he really knows that they're in just as much danger as before. Many old faces reveal themselves as Guude and the others meet newer ones, while a seventh soul is needed to finally finish off Herobrine once and for all. But they're in his territory now, his realm, his backyard, and even worse, his Dark World. The greatest showdown is about to happen, but only here in the last book of the No One Escapes Me trilodgy.…

The Spell (A Team Crafted FF)

The Spell (A Team Crafted FF)

975 104 23

Coronation Day in the Sky Kingdom came quickly this year for the generals of the Sky Kingdom, for it happens only once every three years. New Recruits are training to become part of the royal guard for the king, but two stand out from the rest. Females with incredible power. When nausiating headaches and painful memories flash over the new recruits and even some of the generals that prove that they might've met before, King Adam starts to act differently. When it comes to them that they need to work together, it is only up to them to piece back together the forgotten memories that were lost; but of course, it all started with a couple of words...A spell.…

A Fallen Rose (Mindcrack FF)

A Fallen Rose (Mindcrack FF)

1,630 203 49

Book 2 in the No One Escapes Me seriesGuude and the Mindcrack team are at a standstill with the god of distruction, and possibly their only hope of winning these battles would lie with the Eternity Gems, the stones also going by many other names. Anders already know where one is hidden, but something is holding him back from saying so, and causes major problems with the group. And finally, Elk, Vrijen, and Pak have disappeared, all have had troubles in their pasts, and all are connected to Herobrine through the Mark of Herobrine on their arms.How will the team cope when they find out they must face their friends and foes and while at the same time following a mystery that they must uncover. A rose has fallen, and only one can bring back it's bloom.…

A Bond Like No Other (Mindcrack FF)

A Bond Like No Other (Mindcrack FF)

1,734 215 64

(Final Book in the Strong Bond Trilogy)With Schädel and his new found partner on the move, the Mindcrackers have decided to seperate from the people of Mjulkin once more. But, when Schädel threatens the real world itself, the Mindcrackers must go to Eis and the royal family, instead of the other way around.Schädel is stronger, and with his new partner, and Leer as his puppet, Schädel finally sees this as his opportunity to get the Mindcrackers, once and for all... but.... Guude has something else planned for the evil doer.…

You Can't Escape Me (Mindcrack)

You Can't Escape Me (Mindcrack)

2,516 212 54

"You can't escape me, when no one else has"It's the future. Mindcrack style. They are the protectors of this world, specializing in helping the well being of others. No one has defeated them yet, why start now? They have defeated God's, Demons, Corrupted kings and queens, hybrids, and all other things you could think. But... when a white eyed man teams up with a traitorous commander, with power no one else has, what will happen when threats are made, blood is spilt, and a bond between BROTHERS is made.Find out what happens next here.…

Book Of Randomness

Book Of Randomness

2,001 85 42

I warn you... it get's random…

Childhood Bond

Childhood Bond

1,435 114 58

(Book 2 in the Strong Bond series)In the land of Mjulkin, Eis, Schwert, and Bogen had lived happily together for months, until that all turns sideways.When the evil of this land is set free again, Eis has no choice but to contact her old friends, and moral teammates. But this time, they might need more then just their fists to win this fight, but a....Cradle?…

Strong Bond

Strong Bond

1,764 165 54

A mysterious portal opens in the center of Germany, where the Mindcrackers are meeting for Minecon 2016. When they go to investigate, they are dragged through. But, that's not even the strangest part. When they wake up in a land full of mystical creaturesand people who have animals bounded to their souls, they find out that, not everything is impossible.…

Murder (A TC FF)

Murder (A TC FF)

1,135 37 27

It was just a normal day in the Sky Kingdom. Just like any other day right? Wrong! SkyDoesMinecraft invites his best friends over to a party, and after what looks like an incident, he calls over his experts in crime. After investigating, they now know that someone is out to kill them, but when shall they stop? Until everyone, is DEAD!~Blazzium+SummerArtist455~…

Promise  (Mindcrack)

Promise (Mindcrack)

4,022 338 62

in the year 2022, Mindcrack's scouts, AvidyaZEN, Mhykol, and Millbee goes out in the middle of the Terreria Forest because of a shadow Mindcrackers have reported to see on a daily basis.After an hour in the forest, things start to get weird but nobody actually knows what's going on!would they be able to get off for alive?or will they be forced to defend themselves from a force they've faced in the past?…

Proficy (Team Crafted)

Proficy (Team Crafted)

2,298 30 39

A long time ago, seven secretes were created. Along with those secretes were an elemental power, bringing forth the elemental tribes. Combat; Zen'Jela. Water; C'hilliadin. Forest; Ga'Lmerta.Fire; S'ilikmar.Space; N'Echel. Undead; De'Ealox. Butter; S'Welchea.These seven tribes had proficies, that would determine their destination in life. However, all those unworthy of the proficy but yet tries to destine it's power, turn to ashes, and never comes back.In 1563, the tribes chiefs set out on a mission to find the scrolls for the proficy, and to find the answer. However after a few days of searching they hadn't returned, and appeared, if so they had parished.Over 400 years later the proficy lives again, picking yet eight brave souls to destroy the evil in the land, but.. when having no clue it exists, and having another problem on their hands, their going to need help.From who though?…

Mind Wars (Mindcrack) (Done)

Mind Wars (Mindcrack) (Done)

1,447 132 24

(Prequel of My Hybrid Friends)Back in 2010, July, there was a war between Mobs, and Mindcrackers, and a certain God. Herobrine was the menace and the start of the Mind Wars, but unfortunately for the Mindcrackers, everyone he's faced had perished under his feet. Popular Youtubers and High magic bringers such as Pewdiepie and Team Crafted have died. But Mindcrack won't let that happen to them.What will happen, find out in Mind Wars!…

My Hybrid Friends. -Mindcrack-done-

My Hybrid Friends. -Mindcrack-done-

5,061 298 42

When six Mindcrackers go missing andare turned into Hybrids, but are found days later damaged and beaten, Guude can bring only one person to blame. Mindcrack has been at war with a Parenormal being that goes by the name of Herobrine.What will happen to Guude when his closest friends are turned into figures of his worst nightmare?Pak, Kurt, Anders, Nebris, Avidya, and Paul What will happen when Guude's friends, are now under the command of Herobrine? The worst is afoot.…

Insanity (Mindcrack Fanfic) (Done)

Insanity (Mindcrack Fanfic) (Done)

1,244 47 24

It seems that our world is crashing around us. they're all loosing it. Well, four of them have. I just need to find a cure before Herobrine uses them to destroy us. Kurt has gone insane. Baj has gone insane. Avidya also has gone insane. and so has Anders. There's a only on way to save them. We need to face the menace himself. Herobrine... In order to do that we need to go through the ones we were once best friends with. we need to get through Avidya, Kurt, Anders, and Baj. We need to help them by distroying Herobrine once and for all. Or die trying...For they are slowly getting erased from time as Herobrine uses them to hurt us. If we don't act fast, they're all dead! Erased forever...-Guude…