Fire Emblem Awakening : Log Books

Fire Emblem Awakening : Log Books

107 0 3

I have no idea what I'm doing with this. Miriel said it would be a good idea to write down the events that occur to me. That is, so I won't be lost if I have another bout of amnesia. Though honestly, what am I to write? A log book isn't usually just my thoughts and what happened, is it? What would one call such an amalgamation of data, of memories? Surely there must be a better word?~Ribbon (A.N.): Okay, some info. This story was inspired by Fire Emblem Awakening. It has been a long time coming. I'm changing some things. Time travel is still a thing but the Robin you know is not the Robin of this story. More likely, the individual you are looking for as the protagonist is Ribbon. No, I was not very creative with her name. Back off. Anyway, enjoy the story.…



554 5 10

They were there before time began. This was a fact no one could argue. They were there then and they're here now, just as they've always been. But, they've always held a secret. A secret no one had discovered. No one, until now.The Elements will always watch over us......…

Pushed Into the League...Literally (ON HOLD)

Pushed Into the League...Literally (ON HOLD)

257 5 6

When three semi-innocent people are pushed from a bridge into a river and escape near death, they are immediately Ordered to be killed. Of course this doesn't work out as plan as one of them is just a plain awesome person (ahem, me). Join my step-sister, Truth, and I as we fight to stay alive and eventually return home. Maybe even make the world a better place while we're at it.Mercenaries, Spies, or Assassins, you can find them in the League.SLOW UPDATES!!!! I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR!!!! IS THIS CLEAR ENOUGH!!!!…

The Story of Me: How I Survive Life With Help From Siblings (Sometimes)

The Story of Me: How I Survive Life With Help From Siblings (Sometimes)

2,440 37 52

A book of short stories and Fan fictions. Nuff' said.…

W.O.O.H.P. There It Is!

W.O.O.H.P. There It Is!

293 0 4

"In a world where crime and conspiracies are common place, a new band of... Defenders must take their stance to ensure peace." The gray-haired old woman said. "We've watched the six of you since birth and your aptitudes were proven even at your young age. I want you all to become W.O.O.H.P.'s new agents." The other five teens from my school looked between each other before one of them laughed. "You're hilarious." He said. "Where's the hidden camera?" The woman sighed with a frown."Ahem." I said bringing all attention to me. "We?" I questioned. The woman grinned."Yes, my old team from my own mission days." She said. "We took over W.O.O.H.P. after our boss retired.""And that's it? We're suddenly spies?" Another said."Totally spies." Someone said sarcastically.∆[{_Will update on request_}]∆…

This is Real, Right? : The Kuroshitsuji Arc (Slow Updates)

This is Real, Right? : The Kuroshitsuji Arc (Slow Updates)

1,448 53 10

Lily Taiyo is an excellent Reaper... Only she isn't a full Reaper. Because of this, she has gained both Reaper-like qualities as well as Noble-like ones. But how is this possible? The last time anyone checked, Lily Taiyo has certainly never died and she certainly hasn't killed herself to deserve a punishment of reaping souls.So how is this possible? Is it possible to find the answer? Or has it been destroyed by the layers of time? Or perhaps not. After all, in this timeline, technically she has only been born. Could the reasons behind her abilities lie here?How would she find out? She has been cast out. Oh wait, you don't know about that yet. Do you?Regardless, can she find the truth?This is Real, Right?…

A Jinchuriki's Demise (Third and Final Book!) -Discontinued-

A Jinchuriki's Demise (Third and Final Book!) -Discontinued-

1,844 65 18

After the adventures of both The Ten-Tailed Fox Exists?! and Rise of the light Clan -I wanted to change that title... Oh well, I am to lazy to now- We have the third and final book! Join Orimaru as she fights for the lives of humanity and herself! Will she succeed? Which Jinchuriki's demise? All this and more will be explained. Now, a word from Orimaru...Hey guys! I am back and better than ever. After sometime in Inuyasha, I have new abilities, strategies, friends, and problems...lots of problems. *sigh* Let's get on with my list, shall we? Let's do questions this time.1. Will Orochimaru just die already? (I realize you know the answer, but I don't so deal!)2. Who exactly is Blake pairing me up with? (No, seriously. Who?)3. Where was PoiPoi during all of this? (Maybe with Kiba but, I should've taken him!)4. What about Riku and Sora? (Can they play a bigger role? *Sigh, I suppose* Yes!)5.What happens with me and Neji? (*chirp chirp* Anyone?)6. Does this story actually have an ending where I don't die? (I think I'm the Jinchuriki Blake's talking about up there...)7. Does Naruto ever become the Hokage?!8. [Insert Question Here]?What? You thought I actually had eight questions?…

Persona 4: Awakening of the Next Personas

Persona 4: Awakening of the Next Personas

4,691 112 15

Jessame Kanda is an odd child that keeps to herself. At least, that was until she was suddenly shipped of to Inaba to live with her aunt and her cousin.Within the second day of her stay, a string of murders and kidnappings become the very sole purpose of her time there. Her "investigation" team steadily grows and only proves to make the situation far more difficult.Between that and cryptic dreams and messages, it seems that she just can't "Wake up" as prompted to countless of times.What is the mystery surrounding Inaba? Why is it that she is the only one who begins to care to notice it? Why? Why?Why should she have to wake up?"This generation is full of surprises."…

This is real, right? --Sadly Kind of Discontinued...Kind of--

This is real, right? --Sadly Kind of Discontinued...Kind of--

26,761 858 100

Lily Taiyo is not a normal child. Her memory is twisted, chopped up, and hard to recall for herself. Fortunately --or rather unfortunately-- an encounter with a hollow opens her eyes up to a world her mind had blocked herself from and leads her towards her old, but yet new life. Nothing is calm and nothing will be for a very long time. If one thing isn't happening here, it certainly is over there. She's never in one place for too long. But, because of this, one question is always laced within the air: not often spoken but certainly thought of."Wait a minute... This is Real, Right?"P.S. The cover changes upon which anime the updated story is on.P.S.S. I know, this is bad. I'll update whenever I'm struck with inspiration, but... don't wait for it. But I am working on a spin off called This is Spurious, Surely?…

You Can't live Forever (Teen Titan Fan-Fic) -Discontinued-

You Can't live Forever (Teen Titan Fan-Fic) -Discontinued-

5,531 200 44

My name is Victorika Duras-Wayne-Wilson. Quite a mouthful, huh?Anyway, let's keep it simple. For now my name is Victoria. Victoria Kloffing. Yes, I'm aware that's completely different but that was the aim back then. I was trying to cast my past off but now...I suppose I've accepted it... Even prefer my lineage though it is surely twisted. I mean, I might as well own up to it. After all, no one can live forever....At least, that's what I used to believe...…

Rise of the Light Clan (A Naruto Fan-Fic)

Rise of the Light Clan (A Naruto Fan-Fic)

11,072 421 34

Hi everyone. Have you been good? I hope you've missed me because here's the second part of The Ten-Tailed Fox Exist!? Okay, okay, so... things that should be explained.1. I'm seventeen2. I'm still on my quest to destroy the Akatski3. My dad, still, is insane4. This story with be more epic than the last one5. Luke will appear again eventually...6. My favorite number is still eight.7. I'm gonna get into more trouble 8. I love you for reading the story…

The Ten-Tailed Fox exists?!?!?! (Naruto fan-fic) -Being Revised-

The Ten-Tailed Fox exists?!?!?! (Naruto fan-fic) -Being Revised-

22,338 730 15

My name is Orimaru. I have a lot of things to get done and a short amount of time so I'll give you a short summary.1. My dad's Orochimaru2.My mom was a beautiful woman with a kind heart3. My bro is awesome... Until he isn't on your side4. My family is plain awesome5. I've learned lessons and techniques from all three Sanin6. I've got nothing else important to tell you guys7. My favorite number is "8"8. Oh, and I'm the Ten-Tailed JinchurikiAnd that's about it. So, here I am taking on the world after escaping from hell on earth and... Yeah, that's it.…

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--

8,699 226 30

Let's say the Black Order was not the only organization against the Noah. Let's say this "new" order lied waiting in the shadows for the right moment.Let's say Allen Walker's sister was a member of this mysterious "White Order." Why has this order hidden in the shadows? Why should it have needed too? Is the White Order as pristine as it appears when it starts making its big moves?What is the history between these two orders? Why are they disturbingly similar even down to the uniforms they wear? Is there something the White Order doesn't want to be revealed? Or perhaps is it the other way around? Why has the Black Order conducted itself the way it has so far?As a bookman once said, the story continues.The question is, is its history recorded correctly?Who are the bookmen anyway? Why were they trained to do what they do? Who started their mission? Many more questions still permeate the spectrum between Black and White. Between the blurred line of horrid reality and crude imagination.…