Inktober 2023 Writing
October is here and now it is time to break out the sketch pads and inks/pencils. So, this year, since I'm bad at writing, I decided to write a short story with each drawing. Enjoy!…
October is here and now it is time to break out the sketch pads and inks/pencils. So, this year, since I'm bad at writing, I decided to write a short story with each drawing. Enjoy!…
WELCOME TO THE NEW GENERATION OF HEROES, VILLAINS, AND VIGILANTES!Take a look at the world post Villain Wars as Deku and Dynamight take first and second in the Hero Society, bringing the next generation of heroes into a new age of quirks! With the new generation of heroes coming up into the light of UA, to the villains regrouping with new forms from the shadows, we follow Nagasa Shizun and their quirk: Serpent as they navigate their way through the entrance exams, new friendships, and looming dangers. This is a fan-made parody of My Hero Academia, therefor older versions of the characters will be mentioned, but will fallow a new generation of my OC collection and quirk typing primarily. There will be alternate universe pro hero My Hero Academia Characters that will be fallowed as a kind of B plot and explored in their own ways.Please note: Some shipping may occur between canon characters in a soft fluffy sort of filler as needed. Relationship tags will be revealed as chapters are released.…
This is one more idea entry for #42 for Weekly Wattpad Contests. 1000 words or less.…
This is for the Weekly Wattpad #42 Contest (maybe). These stories have to be based around a picture and be only 1000 words max. I'm having a lot of fun with these so let's see how this works out.…
This is my entry for the #42 Weekly Wattpad competition. This week's theme is to write very descriptively about an image of our choosing. And to think this is hard, we can use up to 1000 words to capture the creativity and the story. We'll see what happens, but I had a lot of fun with this one.…
For Weekly Wattpad Contests, this is for entry #40! :) please enjoy this little blurb section! If you would like to see the rest of this amazing story, go to the account of TimberWolf and look at the Weekly Contest 40 Journal and check out the other people's renditions of this amazing story.…
One day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his "Children" to save the world. You are one of the many remaining 36 children, the possible number 8, who has been training on your own with the hopes of joining the Academy. Now it's your turn to tell your story.…
This is a 500 word short story. This is a Contest entry for Weekly Wattpad Contests #36.Life is something that's sweet and sour, hot and cold, and perfectly blended to make something entirely unique. No one can make the same Life as each other. Instead, it's a surprising flavor and design that should be proudly shown. Or at least, that's what Lily Baker thinks, as she sits in a cake shop waiting for inspiration.…
There is a special time that comes yearly that warms a writer's soul. Filling the very being with pride and accomplishment more than finishing a good book, setting up a perfect plot point, or even just posting a section to something you've worked so hard on. No, it's more. The Wattys. Posting or choosing that special selection of stories that provide more than just a moment of pride, editing and rewriting to the point of perfection in the writer's eyes. The nights of insomnia that leads down a road of 'what if?' Then so willingly scrawls these ideas across the pages till they actually make sense. Now that time has come again. And this time, this contest comes with not only original works, but some fanfiction as well.Travel through time forward one hundred years in the future. What do you see there? A dystopian wreckage of a planet? An escaped socialization into the realm of virtual reality? An innovative society of brilliance and ingenuity? Some amazing world only seen through telescope lenses? Wrong.Sure, the world looks perfect from where we are in our bubble cities of Eden, Utopia, Nirvana, and other such places around the world. But outside the bubbles, outside the routines and carbon copies of everything owned within, there is dangers. In a clash of innovation and survival of the world, the overgrowth of both populations and vegetation has brought around a new age. And with it comes it's own hardships, skeptics, problems, and dangers.But what is the Daze these people within the bubbles lead? What is the thoughts of inhabitants that shape the world around them? What is the typical Nirvana Daze?…
From the stick on stars on the ceiling of a child's bedroom to the clear night sky as we take a stroll through the night, man has always stared upwards and wondered what was beyond the world we knew. All these land locked dreamers strive to walk among the stars, and NASA has made their strides to try. From the first man on the moon, to the recent missions into the great unknown, NASA has taken a brilliant group of stargazers and scientists that want to make this dream a reality. On August 5, 2011, NASA partnered with LEGO sent out to Jupiter three LEGO figurines to orbit around the planet and collect the data that they would need through the shuttle JUNO. Now, almost seven years later, the stars are the limit as Science Fiction Wattpad issues out new orders from mission control. Writers, dreamers, captains of creativity, and all those who help to man the ship through the depths of imaginative space, we have been called upon. Our mission: Writer about the expedition to the face of the Great Gas Giant and what these brave souls find while there.…
All that glitters is not Platinum. All that matters doesn't usually mean it's important. As Science Fiction Wattpad challenges writers to question and ponder through this challenge, our characters will as well. Perception is the key, but is it enough to see us through what's ahead?When technology evolves, so does it's people. But so does it's risks of backfiring or being used in the wrong hands. Rebels and young people see the effects the world is taking due to the dependency that has formed and the government's misuse of power like this. But when one gets captured and refuses to spill any information on his group, the government goes to good lengths to try. One such length is a certain doctor.…
When the home of your people is in danger, and the ocean entrusts the fate of all into your hands, there are three things that must be done.Find the Trickster God.Return the Heart.And sing like there's no tomorrow! What? It's a musical universe, cut this writer some slack.And as we traverse the known Hawaiian waters with our brave hero, we will find more surprises than the hero might be unprepared for. And to top it all off: ITS A VOLTRON AU! So expect some of your favorite characters and Paladins to be classed in as some very fun characters. *wink*Side note: You ever get these moments when you realize you could do so many ships in one go that could be classed as fan service? And you could also do your own art for it when the time is giving?*whispers to the side* And finally get back on track with all these incomplete stories I never finished?... HERE IS THE (MY) ANSWER!!! WRITE ANOTHER ONE! What's one more story to the added list?! *internally screaming*…
This is a wannabe Creepy Pasta that I would have submitted but I feel is too eehehhhhehehehehehehhehehehehe no. The first part is a bit hard to fallow and I am sorry. The second makes all the difference so please give it a chance if you will.…
The art is not mine, the characters aren't mine, but this is a special Valentine's Day story. I always make at least one. This time, the story is for Miraculous Ladybug! And it's popular pairing!…
So, instead of being a b!tch and going back and being like "lol nope! THIS was how it is now!" to the original, I'm doing a reboot of the story making it more than one part. Chapter 1 is rewritten just for the timeline of the new episodes that came out and will fallow what happened from Episode 13 to episode 17 and up. Who knows where I will go with this? ^^ LONG LIVE NAGISA X KARMA! *SPOILER!* There will be more than one pairing in this. ^.^ Keep your eyes open!…
While wandering through my little armada of Crack Ships, I realized I had a brand new OTP ship I had yet to play with. And this lead ship is from the new series Assassination Classroom. This story will take place after Episode 13 of the anime.Out of a classroom of rejects training to be assassins, Class E's Nagisa finds himself to be the most promising out of them all. With the skills already honing fast and the right combination of talent and incentive, there's almost nothing he can't do. Except figure out his feelings for his best friend, that is.In this little oneshot, we'll find a little surprise on how Nagisa's bloodlust will effect his friendships with everyone as well as his feelings for that one person....…
Nico and Percy have only been together a year, but it's not been an adventure till they find their new child isn't exactly as great as they thought she was. As Percy and Nico start to realize their world is going to turn upside down, Elisabeth is dealing with her own love triangles, battles, and secrets. What's going to happen? Read.…
With a world recovering from man's handiwork, a whole new adventure blooms from the aftermath. With a whole new outlook on futuristic technology and steam punk mechanics, the two clash together in a story that will blow your mind. Join our reluctant heroin as she is thrust into a whole world that has changed beyond her recognition as she goes through the trials and tests that will decide her fate in this world and how she will continue on. Will her symbiotic relations with the human world help her shed the metallic cage and become apart of this world? Or will she finally just except who she is and shed all hope of becoming anything like she once was?Will she rise or fall?She shall decide.Be sure to vote for your favorite chapters and if you want, leave a comment! Enjoy!…
'A home for all that have been forgotten.'This is where all my short stories come to rot in hell. I bet that you all will enjoy them one day but I don't know what will happen in the end. Please enjoy.…
By the Wattpad user that brought you Percico Half Blood Night Club comes a second chapter to this seemingly ended tale. Though, don't think for a second this is all going to be sunshine and happiness for our beloved characters! This time, however, we won't completely get lost in our favorite pairing Percico, but in Luna and her little gangs lives as well. We are going to uncover secrets, tragedy, funny things, and maybe a little too much of everything to be mixed together within this second story. But don't worry, I think a few people might like what's coming next. Enjoy!…