Celebrity Love!

Celebrity Love!

1,692 423 45

Gia Martin, a beautiful girl in her mid twenties works as an Assistant director in one of the best entertainment production house of the industry!! Gia is a catalyst, she can make anything happen, hard worker and she is busy with work all the time. She looks after her family and their expenses. She doesn't care about herself nor spend money for her own good!! Life is hard for the 25 year old girl and it becomes much harder when she meets Arlo !!Arlo Scott, celebrity artist( singer/ musician), considered as the most eligible bachelor and the bad playboy of the film industry. He fell in love with Gia at his first sight. But they can't be together so many reasons!! One such reason is Nicolas Creed!!Who is Nicolas Creed?! Why do Gia have to work hard? Can Gia and Arlo get to be together and love each other ??Read this Celebrity love to know more!! He was her warmth ! She was his peace!…

Wìlľ Yôu Evèr Bé Mınè?!

Wìlľ Yôu Evèr Bé Mınè?!

3,571 942 51

This is the story of Ethan and Kathleen. Ethan, is really grumpy and moody all the time. He ignores people who care for him and he never tried to be in someone's good books. He doesn't care about anyone and do anything that makes him happy. He never tried to love or understand people at any cost. But Ethan had a special place in his heart for his friend, Robert. Robert was different to him. He would never let anyone come between him and Robert. There comes Kathleen: clever, affiable and amiable girl who tries to remain silent in her new place for few reasons. She starts accepting the fact that Howard University is her new home. Ethan falls for her so hard that kathleen has no idea about. And Ethan had no idea that Robert love her so badly that it could break their friendship.What happens between Ethan and Robert? Does Ethan continue loving kathleen or leave her for the sake of his friendship?? Kathleen will love whom??? Read to find out more.......(P.S: This is no different from the other love stories out there. It's the same love story that we read and come across in everyday life. But still, I hope it entertains you in one way or the another.)…

17 And After!

17 And After!

3,677 687 42

People make tiny mistakes in their life but that doesn't mean they are bad. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It's doesn't mean they are bad it means they are human. So, here is the story of a teenager, Mia Hills who is 17 years old and an introvert, her story will let us know what is right and what is not?! Through her experiences, she shares life lessons.This story is completely fictional and imaginative. Hope you all enjoy reading this book and I will try to keep you engaged...…

A Steely Love!

A Steely Love!

91 21 4

Maren Bradbury: She was the kind of girl people read books about. Happy and well protected all her life, she never knew what the future held for her. Arik Demir Constatine: Monsters aren't born, they are created. The callous czar of Ontario- Ruthless, Merciless leader of the netherworld. The Constatine clan dances to his beat.He waits for the right opportunity to defeat his old nemesis- The Leocade's! 'If you want a fight, he will bring a war!'Theo Augustine Leocade: A heartless devil who is comfortable with violence, but damn..... her eyes made him more humane. He never wanted to fall in love with her but shit- her smile blew it. Two Lineage- rivals for more than a centennial! The rivalry turned into an extreme enmity after a dreadful disaster! Read the story- A steely love to know about these people and their Stories!…



303 66 6

Brian Park, a doctor in his mid 20's is a superhuman. But this supernatural power is highly dangerous to his life, yet he could save the life of other people. His psychic powers remains as a secret among his close ones and once it comes to light, people would consider him as a paranormal person.Daniel park, founder of Park foundation as well as father of Brain, wanted to protect his boy and makes sure he doesn't use his supernatural power. He doesn't want the world to know that his son is blessed with a miraculous power. They consider it as a curse rather than a blessing. Brian Park meets a young girl, Keily Smith who has been hospitalized for about 1 year. He liked her at his first meet. Later, he finds out a shocking news about her, using his supernatural power. He gets to know that she will be alive only for the next 30 days!! But as days goes on, he fall in love with her. Time is a spoil sport here, but Brian could save her using his supernatural power! What is his supernatural power that his father is afraid of??Will he save her?? Will this supernatural being, Brian and the young girl, Keily would get to live and love each other?? Will the destiny be cruel to them?? Who is Keily Smith and why is she hospitalized?Read out and find the answers for these questions!!…