Killstone | Book One

Killstone | Book One

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In the year 2215, a futuristic world emerges, drenched in the essence of cyberpunk. Nanotechnology has become an integral part of society, and humans have seamlessly merged with machines. However, this astonishing transformation merely scratches the surface of what this new era holds.Exactly nine years ago, on June 21st, 2206, an unprecedented solar flare erupted across the skies, forever altering our reality. In its wake, enigmatic elemental stones materialized all over the planet. These extraordinary gems are known as Killstones and possess the power to manipulate fire, water, earth, and wind.Hunter Orion Phoenix is on the cusp of completing his high school journey. Throughout this arduous path, his unwavering companions Miranda Ortiz and Auden Smith have stood by his side. Yet everything changes when Hunter stumbles upon a Killstone during a field trip accompanied by Auden. Unveiling a profound secret about forthcoming events triggers Hunter's quest to gather all available Killstones' holders of each of the elements.With determination coursing through his veins, Hunter sets out on an awe-inspiring adventure into uncharted territories. His mission: to unravel the mysteries surrounding these mystical stones and their origin story that remains shrouded in secrecy...…

Shadows Of The Moon: Vampire Resurrection

Shadows Of The Moon: Vampire Resurrection

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In the early 17th century all vampires were put to rest with a curse and were to never be awoken again to avoid a bloody war between Vampires and Lycans. The plan worked for 300 years and Lycans lived in the shadows of the human world. However, one day a young vampire by the name of Xavier Cornelius III was awoken from his slumber by a mysterious man. Xavier was told that the Lycans were planning to eradicate the humans so that Lycans can rule the earth. Now Xander must find a way to stop this from happening. To do this, he must awaken the mother and Queen of all vampires, Alexandria Cornelius and Sonya Selenaiya.…

God Blade

God Blade

7 1 2

On planet Eutheria, for thousands of years, humans live in the shadows of god-like monsters and beings. Humans used to be able to stand up against them, but in recent years, monsters and god beings have grown stronger and no normal weapon can slay them any longer...that is until Elias found the God Blade.Elias, an orphan from one of the poorest regions of Lucaria, sets out on a quest to find the God Stone in hopes to seal the god-like beings that terrorize the human race. With the help of his newfound sword, slaying monsters and god beings have never been easier..or will it be?…



4 1 1

Braille's last heartbreak changed him forever. He lost everything he ever loved and now he doesn't care what happens to him or anyone else. Suited in his favorite black blazer, Braille cruises the city as a lost boy who still wants to feel something. Does any of the girls he meets grant him the pleasure of love? Or will drugs fuck him up as love did?…



9 3 1

Eliah Nami Dartha is not from this world. He is a being from outside this universe. His supernatural abilities in human terms makes him a god. Abilites that makes superman seem like human. He only takes the form of human to witness what it's like to be one. His purpose is to be kept a secret until the 𝙀𝙣𝙙 where all will be revealed and he'll make a decision on whether or not to wipe out all life on planet Earth.…

Kill Me Once

Kill Me Once

48 8 3

When she was just 6 years old, Emilia Cornelia and her parents along with her little brother were on their way back home from a play when they were ambushed and kidnapped. They were taken into the woods where their kidnappers shot all 4 of them but Emilia was the only one to survive and just barely. It just so happens that someone was passing through the woods and noticed the family soaked in blood on the cold snowy ground. They took Emilia in as their own but left her parents and little brother behind knowing she was the only survivor.Now at the age of 16 Emilia has grown up and found out about what happened to her and her family and seeks revenge on who did this to her...and why.…

Lucid Dreamer

Lucid Dreamer

8 3 1

Cody Miller is a 19 year old boy who feels everything and everyone is out to get him in life. He's blocked from the things he wants to do and the people he wants to acknowledge him. On his way back home from school one day, him and his mother and stepfather were arguing and got involved in a car accident due to heavy rain. Cody lost his Mom, Stepdad and little brother, but was seriously injured and ended up in a coma. When awoken from his coma he realizes he can now comtrol his dreams like never before, but is that all to his dreams?…

Eunoia  (Book One)

Eunoia (Book One)

151 17 6

He has a beautiful mind, but not many can understand his thoughts and even more fear his thoughts. To completely understand someone, you must first wear their skin.…



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The city of Tokyo Japan is a beautiful place, but after the outbreak of a disease called "Bloom", those infected tend to feed on others. Those who are infected are classified as non-human. Their DNA and cells mutate in certain body parts and they turn into literal beasts called Bloomers. Then that's when they feed and holding back is impossible.…



9 0 1

Alyssa Kaige always felt like she was different in many ways. She sometimes felt she didn't belong. One night while in her house, Alyssa heard noises coming from the treehouse in her backyard. When she investigates, she saw that a bright light was coming from inside so she climbs up the tree only to meet a mysterious person who was not of this world. Join Alyssa Kaige on her epic adventures in the world full of mysteries and answers.…

Plague X

Plague X

13 0 3

In the year 2043, a deadly virus went on the loose. Plague X was exposed to the public and those who were infected would rot from the inside out. Over the short period of a few months, the virus evolved and those infected..would turn to the living dead.Oliver is a 19 year old boy all on his own with his best friend Snow. Together they try to survive in the doomed world, but when outsiders invaded their camp Oliver tries to stop them. Are the outsiders the one Oliver needs to fear? Or does he need to fear the living more than the walking dead...…



13 0 2

Violette and Aniel are two teenagers in love. The only problem is that they can't be together because of their very strict families. One day Violette came up with the idea of running away together with Aniel. Can they pull off a romeo and Juliet and survive? Or will something get in their way?…

The Final Peace

The Final Peace

3 1 1

When two brothers and their squads are sent out of their solar system to a planet 5,000,000 light years away, they find that that little blue planet is in need of MAJOR help. Compared to the brothers race, humans are nowhere near the technology or abilities the brothers have. Yuudai plans to bring peace to earth, but will humans cooperate?…



4 0 2

Why do some people ale a smile? Why fake a smile to their closest friends? Well, meet Chester Beasley. Chester is on his way back to his hometown after a mid life crisis. The one who he thought would never leave has thrown him away. On the brink of wanting to go out on his own terms, can Chester be saved? And if someone notices his fake smile will it be too late?…

Flight Ana

Flight Ana

2 0 1

When 20 year old Alexander Howl and his best friend Danny Fisher set off to Tokyo to finally meet Alexanders girlfriend, things take a turn for the strange.While 2 hours into their flight aboard Ana Airlines on flight #008, something strange happens to the plane as a bright light appeared in its path. When the plane flies into the light, Alexander, Danny along with the rest of the passengers were speechless as they have discovered that they flew 20 years into the future which is now the year 2037. Though amazed by how far technology has come, Alexander still wants to get back to his own time to finally meet the love of his life.…



8 0 1

Braedyn Quinn and Skyler Winter are as people would call them, the perfect fucked up couple. Skyler, who after meeting Braedyn, ran away from home at the age of 17. She ran away because she was abused by her foster parents. She took off to a small town with Braedyn who also lived with foster parents before meeting Skyler. The two fell in love with each other long before running away and had planned to for some time now.They say nothing lasts forever, but Skyler promises that even down to her dying breathe that she will forever love Braedyn. Braedyn on the other hand before meeting Skyler had a horrible experience in his past relationship and finds it hard to trust anyone, even the girl who saved him.…



53 3 7

Aiden Kinisi Quinn is a 19 year old boy who feels he's all alone in the world and no one takes the time to notice him. Even the little friends he have he feels aren't completely his friends. He is a very fragile boy and suffers from depression and anxiety and just wants to feel love.Aiden was inside a machine that was suppose to cure him of his leg disease, but when an electrical storm occurs, he gains super human reflexes and super human speed from electrical charges from the storm outside. Being able to travel at the speed of light, Aiden wants to understand his powers, and be able to find love with them.…



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19 year old Oliver Quinn is trying to do what no one else tried. It's the year 2061, Alexandria, the most powerful government, and its people went to war 15 years previously. The war ended with millions of people dead. The Rebellion Elimination Army or R.E.A. is set out to find any and all rebellious citizens, groups, and camps throught the land and execute them if they don't join Alexandria. Oliver and his friends goal is to grow his rebellion "The Ark" and eliminate R.E.A. and kill their leader, King Doland M. Purt. a.k.a. Alexandria and restore the land back to the peaceful state it was.…



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Kaeden Winter, a 17 year old girl, finds herself driving in the rains of San Francisco. Trying to remember how she got to this point, flashbacks would interrupt her mind. She's stuck in a love triangle and she's trying to escape. Chased by the boy she lives with, Jackson, her only goal is to get to the boy she's in love with, Quinten. Beaten and bruised, where does her road go from here?…