New World Sasanaichs

New World Sasanaichs

228 7 16

What would the World of "Outlander" be like, if Jamie'd long since been gone when Claire arrived, but no Time Travel on HIS part occurred - assuming Claire still found herself in the mid-18th Century in the first place, that is? What would it be like, if he'd managed to evade capture by the Watch, and therefore, never had to suffer torture that far exceeds words at the hands - and other body parts - of one Black Jack Randall?Meeting a different Healer he thinks is a mere Witch turns his Future on its head - but at the same Time, it saves his Life on more than one occasion. Even though it causes HIM to become a "Sasanaich", if one uses the definition of "outlander", having his Life saved sets the stage for a long, fruitful Life. Well, that's as long as he doesn't STILL manage to get himself killed after making the voyage to the New World, that is...…

Pardoned on the Peak (Sequel to New World Sasanaichs)

Pardoned on the Peak (Sequel to New World Sasanaichs)

64 0 14

Twelve Years after making some of the biggest decisions of his Life, things couldn't be better for Jamie Fraser. He's a wife and far bigger family than he ever imagined, a way - or five - to provide for that family, and a safe placeta expand and raise HIS branch of the family.But one Day in January of 1757, his quiet, settled Life in the North Carolina Mountains gets turned on its head. Unexpected visitorsta Morgan's Peak being some damn good news with them - but with those visitors and good news comes a whole lotta complication he never woulda expected, let alone thought to plan for.…

Escaping the War (Sequel to Pardoned on the Peak)

Escaping the War (Sequel to Pardoned on the Peak)

18 0 7

Expect the unexpected - that's a lesson everyone'd be wiseta learn early on.Just when his Life seems fairly settled and on an unshakable foundation once again, Jamie Fraser finds out just how wrong he is. Almost the same thing that happened when he left his Native homeland's happening all over again. The difference this Time's that it's not just his own Life on the line - he's a massive family to worry about in addition to himself.But there's a surprise none of that family saw coming that wasn't present the first Time around. Question is, how will that surprise affect the hasty escape they plan to beat from a War they want no part in?…

Outlander Reversed

Outlander Reversed

1,079 38 11

For Centuries, damn near everyone in Scotland's heard the tales of the Stone Circles - so has everyone else in various other parts of the British Isles. Everyone's heard the legends of how they'd Spirit the vulnerable and unsuspecting away to different Realms, especially on certain Days of the Year.What hardly anyone who's heard such tales expect is to become one of those who's Spirited away to another Realm - or another Time period, for that matter.But that's exactly what happensta the young fugitive, Jamie Fraser from Clan Fraser of Lovat. The question now is whether or not he can ever get back to the Time and place he believes he's supposed to be once he realizes what's happened. More importantly than whether he can or not, will he even WANNA go back?…

Back to the Future (Sequel to Outlander Reversed)

Back to the Future (Sequel to Outlander Reversed)

126 2 11

Times've Changed, and Times're strange - no truer words coulda been spoken, and Jamie Fraser's not even aware they HAVE been spoken before.After everything he'd been through and otherwise experienced following being quite literally Spirited through Time, he thought he'd seen and heard it all. That turns out to be further from the Truth than he ever imagined, but there's a difference this Time around - he's some of those closest to him BESIDES his wife at his side for the Mayhem.Jenny and Ian Murray're more than a lil overwhelmed when they first arrive in the twenty-first Century. They're Awed and amazed by inventions such as electricity and indoor plumbing, but there're things beyond that that they'd never've thought possible.How will the Time-Traveling trio of Scots cope with their New Life in the twenty-first Century? Will they come to regret that decision since there's no going back now, literally OR figuratively?…

Beginning of the End

Beginning of the End

61 0 12

Ever since the instant in Time known as the "Big Bang", there's been intelligent Life scattered all over the Cosmos - but not all of it's survived.Following her Birth, the being eventually known as Queen Serenity Travelsta a ball of rock known as the Moon. There, her parents - now known as the Finnish Moon Deities, Kuu and Kuutar - establish a Queendom based on Love and Peace. But they don't stop there - they also watch over and Guide the people of the nearby Planet Earth along the same Path. In addition to all that, they raise their beloved daughter and groom her to one Day reign over their equally beloved Queendom in their place.However, Kuu and Kuutar know it's not something she can do on her own, and that she'll eventually need a man with which to produce an heir. Therefore, they arrange for Serenity to marry Apollo, the King of the Luminary known as the Sun. But nothing goes according to plan, starting with the newlyweds seemingly hating and refusing to be around each other.…

Spirited Chaos (Sequel to Beginning of the End)

Spirited Chaos (Sequel to Beginning of the End)

16 0 5

After the fall of Silver Millennium and its beloved Moon Queendom, King Apollo's beyond devastated. Not only did he barely survive when Sailor Saturn swung her "Silence Glaive," but he lost everything he held near and dear. Each of his five children were lost in the battle waged on said Moon Queendom and Golden Kingdom by the corrupted people of Earth.But the Sun King's fairly quick to find something - or rather, SOMEONE - with which to bide his Time so he's not as lonely as he could be. However, he's equally quick to make it clear that in having lost two women he loved dearly, he's not looking for anything deep and meaningful. Even though he knows that the third Time might just be the Charm, so to speak, he's simply unwilling to take the chance.Rebel Seiya's not one to take "no" for an answer, though - after all, she's the Guardian of Chaos and Discord, considering she's from the distant Planet Eris on the fringes of the Solar System. What she doesn't count on is Apollo's stubborn Nature, or his daughter eventually rising into enough Power to Destroy her, not just seal her away like Queen Serenity did to Queen Nehelania prior to the fall of Silver Millennium.…

Rise of Crystal Hilo (Sequel to Spirited Chaos)

Rise of Crystal Hilo (Sequel to Spirited Chaos)

18 0 7

Following the battle with the Entity known as Queen Nehelania, Serena and Darien are finally able to wed more than a Millennium after falling in Love. This forever joins the Moon Queendom and the Golden Kingdom in the Entity known as Crystal Hilo the same way that the Moon Queendom's forever joined with the Sun Kingdom - which's something the new Queen doesn't yet realize.The sudden appearance of a couple none of the Inner Guardians recognize turns everything they've learned in the last few Years on its head. Firstly, Serena - who's now known as Serenity by many - learns the Truth of her Past Incarnation's roots. Secondly, she learns about a connection with previous enemies she'd never've expected in ANY Lifetime, as well as that her family's even bigger than she'd have expected. And finally, she gets a surprise in regardsta the Sailor Guardians that even her beloved friends and advisors - Luna and Artemis - weren't aware of during all their Years of serviceta Queen Serenity.How will the new Queen of Crystal Hilo manage to integrate everything she's suddenly learning into the peaceful existence she already knows is just on the horizon? For that matter, will that peaceful existence still - well, exist with all these surprises suddenly making themselves known?There's only one way to find out, and with any Luck, Apollo won't have to step in as the Supreme King of the Solar System to prevent another catastrophe like the fall of Silver Millennium.…

Ghost Studios

Ghost Studios

67 0 15

The Appalachian Wraith Relocators - or AWR, for short - are a group unto their own that "unique" doesn't even Begin to describe. Hailing from the small Town of Roan Mountain, they're similar to the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, but there's a few key differences.Firstly, the AWR consists of 5 women, rather than 5 men - secondly, they're all Pagan, rather than Christian. Thirdly, they don't chase and try to trap Spirits - they peacefully move on and relocate those ready and willing to leave. And lastly, their specialty's in currently-active recording studios, not long-abandoned and rundown asylums.So, when they get an SOS call from Foxy Studios in Los Angeles, they don't hesitate to respond. However, they're not expecting to wind up in the middle of a missing person's case that quickly turns into a murder investigation...…

Half a Rock Star (Rewrite)

Half a Rock Star (Rewrite)

123 0 13

Born in January of 1979, nobody expected baby Andrew to survive his first full Day outside the womb. He was born with legs that could only be described as "Frog legs", considering how they were positioned - and his need for a catheter only fuels the certainty that he's sure to be a goner before his first full week's out.Ever the fighter for obviously being so young, the newborn proves all predictions made by the doctors who examine him wrong. Not only does he survive his first Day, much to the delight of his young parents, but he even getsta ditch his catheter before the week's out. He's essentially like any other newborn baby, if one pays no attention to the condition of his deformed legs.Fast-forward to 2009, and now baby Andrew - who's since legally Changed his name to Ashley - has known no End of suffering. After all, while he managed to cope with it, the teasing of his peers woulda brought a lesser man lower than their knees - and losing BOTH his parents didn't help with that. At least his Health hasn't gone COMPLETELY down the shitter, although he's still faced his fair share of problems there.But none of that's ever stopped Ashley from at least attempting to achieve whatever he sets his mind to. That's why - despite his obvious disability - he eventually moved out to Cali to at least attempt starting a band. So, what happens when he respondsta a guy seeking a bassist for the band HE'S forming? After all, Ashley's main goal's to steal members for that band of his own.…

Purdy Lies - the Black Veiled Truth of Ashley Purdy

Purdy Lies - the Black Veiled Truth of Ashley Purdy

124 0 25

This is basically nothing but a companion pieceta my recent story, "Purdy Lies". In Essence, it's THAT story, told from Ash's point of view.Ya don't necessarily HAVE to, but I'd highly recommend reading "Purdy Lies" before ya even attempt to read this. I've tried to write it in such a way that that's not necessary, but I've Future plans for that story so that reading it first'll be a good idea.…

Purdy Lies

Purdy Lies

235 0 22

Death can be a hard Change for just about anyone to process, no matter the exact circumstances that accompany it. But a literal Lifetime of lies being Revealed seemingly all at once alongside that Death can and will worsen it for anyone directly involved.That's exactly the scenario Ashley "Ash" Purdy finds himself in after getting a none-too-friendly phone call from his beloved pop while he's between tour legs, though. Each one of those lies'd piss him off to high Heaven and back by themselves, but all put together - well, it's enough to give even a saint a stroke, to say the least.How will he manage finding out the Truth about a few different things and having his whole World collapse around him? And will it lead to an unexpected reunion that's one of the few thingsta help get him through it all without any semblance of Sanity left?…

Queen of the Kenai

Queen of the Kenai

180 0 16

After a Lifetime spent on the move and trying all sortsa different things as a result of her dad's profession, Taika Hietala finally decided what she wanted to do with her own Life. Not only that, but she talked her sisters - Suvi, Kylli, and Lumi - into joining her in that endeavor. However, proving that they could not only operate tow trucks, but their own towing company just as well as any man was never gonna come easy for this quartet.Determined to prove that they'd what it took, the sisters managed to achieve exactly what they'd set out to do. That earned them quite the reputation after they settled in South-Central Alaska - as well as the nicknames "Queen" and "Princesses of the Kenai", depending on the sister in question.For that reason, it's no surprise when two of the sisters respond to a call involving an excavator and a ravine where its operator was lucky to walk away without a scratch. No, the surprise comes much later when the nephew of their customer realizes that they've a wicked sense of humor, and that they love the shock factor of when new people find out the Truth about them.…

Pint-Sized Whiskey Girl

Pint-Sized Whiskey Girl

123 5 22

After concluding their first-ever, but grueling major tour in support of an actual album, the infant band Poison hardly take any Time off before they're back at it again. Within just a couple months of getting back home to Cali, the guys're back in the studio to jam and record what'll become their sophomore album.But they're not the only ones who're busy as Bees, so to speak. Their manager, Vicki, happensta be just as busy - just in different ways. Her main goal's to find somebody who can serve as Rob's bass tech after he scared the last one off mid-tour. Even still, she's not expecting that search to be a short one - till, as if hearing her call, somebody who could easily fit the bill turns up to apply for the job. It's just that this young woman's nowhere near what she was expecting, her first view of her taking her by surprise.Topping out at a meager 4'6" and 80 pounds - 90, if she's soaking wet - Auri Mancini doesn't look like much. In fact, all three blondes in the band outright laugh at her tiny stature more than anything else.However, having always been attracted to the petite, Dark-toned, exotic-looking girls, their lone brunette insists on giving her a chance - and getting to know her. Rob simply can't help himself, 'cuz while he's an incorrigible flirt and quite the ladies' man, there's something different about this girl that just reels him in.…

Surprises in the Snow

Surprises in the Snow

136 0 18

When one goes out on a hunting trip - whether it's alone or with a buddy - they expect to get meat at best, come home with nothing at worst.Returning home from such a trip and having to save a Life certainly ain't what Nikos Kilcher ever expected in his wildest Dreams. Even less unexpected was everything that saving THAT Life brought into his own over the coming months. Maybe he should learn to expect the unexpected all the Time, starting with his surprises in the Snow.…

Love Crashers

Love Crashers

190 0 16

When she was first approached by DIY Network to do a home renovation show, thirty-two-Year-old licensed contractor Keahilani "Blaze" Ikaika was more than a bit uncertain. After graduating with Honors so that she could even get licensed - not to mention held an interior design degree - she'd been able to do fairly well for herself, despite being a single mother. The Thought of being even mildly famous and how that might effect her two-Year-old daughter's what has her waffling for a while before she finally agrees.But doing the show that's aptly entitled "Bath Crashers" Ends up being a far better thing than she originally imagined. Sure, suddenly being famous amongst do-it-yourselfers was a bit to adjust to at first, but it garnered her a lot more business off-air. It also allowed her to meet someone she'd met a long Time ago, but never really gotten to know.In the middle of a hardware store wasn't where thirty-eight-Year-old Rob "Bobby" Dall thought he'd meet a woman who fit damn near every quality he'd ever found attractive in a woman. Then again, he wasn't exactly expecting to get accosted by a woman and a camera crew when he went to buy a new showerhead after his old one gave him a not-so-nice wake-up call. But he's certainly not one to turn down free shit, considering he's always been the most frugal of his group of closest friends. Getting a long-overdue bathroom renovation far quicker than he'd have originally planned while a busy single father of two's just a plus.So, what happens when the three Days allocated for the divorced veteran bassist turns into far longer - off-air, of course? Only way to find out's to not only hire Blaze to continue renovations on various other rooms in his house after the filming wraps, but to convince her that going on a date with him ain't the worst idea that's ever been pitched. Surely, he'll be able to manage such a feat, considering the things they've in common and his Natural Charm.…

More than She Bargained For

More than She Bargained For

152 9 19

After coming into an unexpected inheritance that allowed her to do whatever she wanted, Kailani Kawamoto decided it was Time for a fresh start. She wanted as much distance between herself and her so-called family as she could get without leaving American soil, but she needed cooler Weather than what she'd ever known before. Moving up to Southern Alaska, she damn well got both those things - and a lot more than she'd ever thought she'd get, too.Following a breakup from a relationship he'd thought would last forever, Nikos Kilcher's not exactly on the prowl, but he's definitely not exactly enjoying the single Life, either. Known as the Town flirt, it's no surprise that his eye's caught by the new girl in Homer, especially since he's always been attracted to the more exotic-looking type.But the surprises don't seem to stop coming, starting with the young woman coming up with an ingenious way to access the Beach below his family's homestead one Winter's Day. Will he manage to convince her that he's not as bad as he might seem at first glance, or will she be permanently scared off by what she hears? If the young man CAN, will they be able to find a happy medium without him figuratively pushing her over the edge instead of helping her adjust to her new environment?There's only one way for Kai and Nikos to find out, and that way's certainly more than she bargained for.…

In This Together (Sequel to More than She Bargained For)

In This Together (Sequel to More than She Bargained For)

191 0 22

Moving to a whole new State for sake of his girlfriend's Health wasn't gonna be easy for thirty-Year-old Nikos Kilcher - not by an Alaska mile. But the good thing about being from such a big, close-knit family was that they'd far more help than they'd anticipated right from the get-go. They'd only needed to ask, and even then, they'd gotten that help without even having to.What neither he, nor said girlfriend - twenty-two-Year-old Kai Kawamoto - ever counted on was a Health scare of a different variety. As unexpected and Life-threatening as it is, it could Change everything they'd even considered doing - up to and including the young man remaining in So Cal, rather than going back to his home State. The thing that matters more than anything's that they're in this Together, 'cuz he's damn sure not abandoning the young woman he loves and everything they've managed to get done so far.…