

4,164 44 24

Sequel to new life. This is a small sequal onto how everyone getting set 2 years after the 2nd internationals win. We will go through everyone and what's going on at the moment.…

the next step-how it could've been

the next step-how it could've been

4,909 113 28

set in season this AU Emily never got injured and took Shantells spot at internationals. she won and then left for a year. in that year Riley became studio head. Emily came back and saw the studio in ruins so then took it over.Westmily did happen and so West is partly running the studio but Emiy refuses to call hi a Co studio head.if Emily never got injured she'd still be Co captain. Michelle wouldn't give up her dance captain spot meaning she'd dance at interatnionals. I think Emily would help Michelle better than anyone else could've and Michelle would've done and won the solo. Richelle would still get the diary but only when Emily leaves the studio.With West there Emily wouldn't cut any hip hop dancers so it's unbiast this time. Daniel would still be choreographer but West would help too.that's the main grasp and a few stuff of what would've happend. hope you enjoy this story.…

New Life-The Next Step

New Life-The Next Step

22,050 207 87

Henry and Noah plan to move onto thier new lives with thier new girlfriends. Even after Jacquie and Noah broke up they stayed good friends. Richelle filled the hole in Noahs heart and vice versa. Jacquie got back together with Henry after they started hanging out. With them all being at the next step and turning 18 they believe they need to move into the next chapter. Not in thier separate ways though. New chapter coming soon.#nochelle#jenrie#tns#thenextstep#dance…

The Souls Wish-Avatar

The Souls Wish-Avatar

63 1 1

Leaving his home. Leaving all hes known. he needs change. he needs a life. This will be Aangs POV all throughout I dont own any of the characters or Avatar…