Paper Trails

Paper Trails

2,923 56 20

Theodore Nott was happy with his job in the Archives of the Department of Mysteries.Well Almost.An infuriating green-eyed messy haired office-mate seemed determined to disturb the quiet life he had built for himself. The longer he was inflicted with Potter the more the golden life of the saviour seemed to be tarnished.And Theo was uncertain whether or not he liked what he saw.…



9,579 376 18

It wouldn't do. He had to change. Be nicer, more considerate to the others. Learn to think things through and not just accept them at face value. Take his studies more seriously. Prove to Snape he was good enough to learn occlumency. That he wasn't his father.He refused to be the man in the pensive.…

A Sirius Summer

A Sirius Summer

26,086 1,074 20

The summer before fifth year was unexpected in many ways. Harry did not expect to get attacked by Dementors or nearly expelled from Hogwarts. But most of all he did not expect his Godfather to take him to one side and tell him something that would shatter his perceptions of the wixen world.…

Here Must I Remain

Here Must I Remain

83 4 16

I shouldn't have done it.It's not like I started it, or even wanted it. At least I don't think I did.But he shouldn't have told.It was supposed to be our secret.He was supposed to be my best friend.He was supposed to...He was....…

Short Story Collection

Short Story Collection

14 1 1

a collection of short stories Updated as and when inspiration hits.…