New Shades

New Shades

21 2 2

An alternative Tekken story that revolves around a set of characters striving to ensure global safety, while another group stands in their way seeking full control of the world.…

Redenption 1910 - Chapter 1 - Side Stories

Redenption 1910 - Chapter 1 - Side Stories

5 1 2

Minor stories that occurred with Keith and John during their journey of Chapter 1.…

Redemption 1910 - Chapter 2

Redemption 1910 - Chapter 2

57 7 9

Wild WestFanfictionActionThrillerRich storytelling…

Redemption 1910

Redemption 1910

81 3 7

> Wild West, Fanfiction..> This story tells an alternative storyline that would happen after the ending of Red Dead Redemption 2, meaning after 1907, and the story begins in 1910.> Moreover, this work covers the era of the wild west during its dying years, when it drew closer and closer to being tamed finally.…