Despite the risks, one girl goes down to the bay every night to visit the skippers and hear their stories of distant lands and wonderful adventures. One night she sneaks out to see her favorite sailor...with no idea how her life will violently change when she does.…
When a dazed siren awakens, fully human and totally confused, on a foreign boat with a foreign crew, she works to both understand her situation and rid the ship of a horrid curse, whilst subconsciously falling for the very pirate that she initially distrusted.…
The tale of how the love between a village girl and the son of a merchant save a town that doesn't even know it's in danger.…
Set in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a bored Ravenclaw discovers a boy she has somehow never noticed--and the true meaning of magic.…
A charming pirate meets his co-captain and true love through a combination of fate, a locket, and a little magic.…
Set in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a slightly mental girl teaches a sweet, innocent, unsuspecting boy how to love and be free.…
A desperately heartbroken girl finds comfort, peace, and a home in a young pirate's heart.…
When an ex-siren puts aside her deliberate avoidance of humanity to save a pirate from certain death, they both rediscover their love of the sea.…
A fearsome pirate boy kills the king, runs away, and falls in love.…
Two teenagers flee their nautical-based education with only their love and a lifeboat to keep them afloat.…