Tales From Talimara

Tales From Talimara

338 15 12

In the far, far, incredibly distant future, mankind has unlocked pathways to an extraordinary existence. We now live on other worlds and raise our children in the light of different stars. To live in such a time is unthinkably grand. Some of the following tales are letters written to pals from the past; others are snippets of a larger story I am writing, and still others are miscellaneous pieces of my universe. Regardless, they are about the children of the future. These are their stories.…

The City In the Sky

The City In the Sky

669 38 22

The sequel to "Universal Dancer", which continues the story of newly-discovered multi-trad Prunella Omiscon as she travels to the city in the sky to begin her trad-training. She meets new friends such as the beautiful and brilliant Altheda Muntovar, a formidable healer and medical student; the shy, nerdy librarian Windon Wickem and the sightless musical artist Candelia Surah.Away from her home, her friends and the boy she loves, Prunella struggles to adapt in her new high-rise environment, coping with new stresses and the rushed life of the multi-trad. Welcome to the Regional Multi-Trad School! Welcome to the city in the sky.…

The Diary of a Poet

The Diary of a Poet

166 20 21

In my head run many thoughts about many things. I've tripped some of them up for you. Do enjoy!…

The Grin Reader

The Grin Reader

85 10 10

This is an ongoing anthology of poems written purely for wit and fun.…

Universal Dancer

Universal Dancer

300 25 10

Set in the same universe as "Tales From Talimara", this story tells the tale of a young boy, Nomato Erwinne, and his friends, who live in the village of Quinar on a planet called Toramay. On this world children are born with innate powers of prodigal talent, called traditional talents, and then train in them all their lives. Sometimes a child is born with no such skills or more rarely, with multiple talents. Nomato is a diligent dance student and dreams of the day when he will begin professional trad training. He is happier than he could ever hope for, with a small family and loving friends. And in the end, only something extraordinary can help Nomato reach for the stars.…

The First Ones

The First Ones

139 9 9

Set in a classical period of the Talimaran Universe, "The First Ones" tells the story of the first alien culture to make contact with mankind. Seen through the eyes of a young farmer's daughter, Luci, this tale visits the quiet homesteads on the faraway planet of Seerin, the largest planet of the Sect. As an adventurous girl Luci wants nothing more than to travel to Earth and take part in the centuries-old cultural exchange between the First Ones and the seemingly-mythic civilization of Man. How an alien sees our world and her own is beyond anybody's imagination.....…