Beyond Winter (ON HOLD)

Beyond Winter (ON HOLD)

546 39 19

Grief really was a circular staircase.After losing Jason, her best friend since preschool, Evelyn's world comes to a sudden halt. But, time doesn't stop for her. When she surfaces out of her delirium, a full life still awaits her; a life she didn't want anymore. Now a fragment of her former self, she trudges on - making it through everyday but not really living. The only respite she finds are in isolation, and deep dreamless nights.But one stubborn guy refuses to leave her alone, determined to prove that life could be beautiful even beyond your worst winter.…



432 12 11

After almost two months of backpacking around Europe, Ahilyaa Joshi comes back home ready to find another adventure. Instead, what awaits her is a meddling family with a proposal of an arranged marriage and a shock that would end all her adventures. Forced into holy matrimony, she silently swears to loathe Aayushmaan Singh Rana till eternity as he vows to cherish her as his wife. Opposites attract alright, but when a social butterfly and a social recluse are tied in a relationship it's bound to be a disaster. She is determined to never give in, and he never learnt to give up. It's a war between love and hatred. Two stubborn souls collide and crash, leaving bleeding hearts and bruised egos at its wake. One of them will have to lose and choose what to save; the marriage or themselves.…

Something Unexpected (ON HOLD)

Something Unexpected (ON HOLD)

824 17 6

Michelle Harper's world revolved around her dreams, some are nightmares and some pure fantasies. And he was a fantasy, an unattainable dream like the stars she wanted to collect in a jar. But when Chris Taylor, front man for the popular rock group Stolen Faces appears in front of her, Michelle finds herself running away, instead of running to him. When her fantasies start taking shapes and forms in front of her eyes, she sees her safe haven of dreams crumble down like a badly fitted Lego house. Desperately, she tries to put the pieces back together, but the new blocks of reality didn't fit with her dreams anymore. As they say, be careful what you wish for. Cupid might have decided to play naughty and give her more than she bargained for.…

Living (RedRibbon13) **Complete**

Living (RedRibbon13) **Complete**

5,216 199 23

Amanda's heart flutters and her knees go weak every time he calls her name. One look from him fills her with warmth and hope, and a floating sensation fills her nerves. But when reality stealthily makes its way through her hazy mind, she is dropped back down to earth in full force. He is out of reach, out of touch and out of boundaries. Jacob Crosby is her twenty four year old high school teacher. And the irony is, that's not the only reason she can't touch him. Ever. She has a secret. A secret so dark that it can rip away everything from her once disclosed. A secret she has managed to keep away even from her best friend. But when ties become too strong, and hearts too full of love, there is rarely any room for anything else. Secrets will spill. And when they do, will Amanda's close ties loosen or will the ribbon successfully hold it all together?* Featured in Wattpad's RedRibbion13 reading listA/N: This is the first completed draft of the story and it is being edited. There will be plot holes for sure, please do point them out if you find any.…

Despite Myself