

249 78 41

Some of my art and craft works to showcase.…

Fragment (A collection of short stories)

Fragment (A collection of short stories)

157 24 4

This book will portray some random fragments of emotions based on true incident, crime which will be depicted so vividly to leave a deep print in your heart but obviously in a good way. For other details it needs to be explored.Each chapter will contain a single and complete story. No 2 charters or stories will be related. Better not to get confused. It's like poetry but those which are difficult to express in a poetic manner, hence the following outcome.Highest Rankings so far.#26 Socialissues#59 Spirite#58 sadlife#62 creepystories…



749 144 24

At this tough time we all need little motivation.I wanna share some of my personal experiences, thoughts, life lessons, feeling through words in a rhythm. Poetry is my forte that is how I inspire myself to inspire others.❤️Rankings#1 positive thoughts#5 rhythm #6 therapies#4 poetries #7 godslove #10 value #11 healing #10 shortpoem #36 positive #51 motivation #63 poetry…

Open Letters

Open Letters

105 15 3

Sometime we need to think different or feel different. There are lots of things or emotions we have around us which actually not a living entity. But I wonder if we could address those things or entities or emotions or some creatures as a human being with full of conscience. I will be writing an open letter to them.Everyone is free to suggest some of them you want me to address.Highest rankings so far#1 moralvalues#1 morelove#2 openletter#10 value…