Can you relate?

Can you relate?

3,918 6 2

My bullshit opinions/rants that no one asked forI believe in freedom of speech and a person's right to disagreeCuz we don't all agree on everything, let's not pretend that we do…

Story of Hope

Story of Hope

293 11 1

Miles returns to Phoenix's doorstep to answer a question he'd asked years ago, only to find someone else answering the door. (Based off a scene from the play, "Almost, Maine")(COVER ART isn't mine, BASE DIALOGUE isn't mine, CHARACTERS are not mine. I only take credit that I'm a theatre nerd who saw this opportunity and took it.)…

Artemis's Junk Drawer IV

Artemis's Junk Drawer IV

1,498 249 60

We've gotten this far, folks. The things in my brains can only stay inside for so long, you know?Prepare for over-analyzation of your favs and plenty of memes…

Artemis's writing class

Artemis's writing class

894 103 16

Gather 'round, childrenArtemis gon' learn you how to write more gooder…

Guilty Pleasure

Guilty Pleasure

8,765 431 37

There is no immediate desire to settle down, but when he realizes he's stuck in an okay lifestyle, Bakura doesn't quite enjoy the idea of things being the way they are for the rest of his life. He wants more. And then there's Marik- the thrill that Bakura feels drawn to, propelling him to do things he knows he shouldn't want to do, and feel things he shouldn't want to feel.Marik actually isn't sure what he's feeling, but he loves it. It's new, it's exciting, it's powerful- but it's dangerous, and he still finds himself wanting more, although he doesn't dare to let himself act on it. It's human nature to want more. To spend your time how you want it, not to waste it on the mediocre. As long as they're happy, it shouldn't matter the consequences. But when the side effects of their bliss are disastrous, they can't help but feel a little...guilty.(Prequel to Alone Together)…

Artemis's Junk Drawer III

Artemis's Junk Drawer III

7,582 1,489 200

The "and Peggy" of the junk drawersBecause all my crap cannot fit into just one drawr…

Limey and the Psychopath Fan Art!

Limey and the Psychopath Fan Art!

1,374 84 5

Title says all. This is my great big thank you to the people, my lovely readers, who made art for my fanfic, Limey and the Psychopath!…

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors

971 62 3

When someone so delicate could make even the strongest crumble, it completely destroys Mariku when Ryou is found dead- supposedly by foul play.…

Artemis' Junk Drawer II

Artemis' Junk Drawer II

9,588 1,966 200

Holy bejeebuz I had to make a second because who buys a dresser with only one drawer amirightThis a sequel of my first junk drawer, which is all things random. Including your favorites;HamiltonYu-Gi-Oh! Doctor WhoDisneyYGOTASRandom writings (by yours truly)And my random thoughts And more!!!…

Jokes for Days!

Jokes for Days!

19,328 844 56

COVER ART IS NOT MINE Do you like cringe-worthy puns? Jokes to make your forehead more acquainted with the palm of your hand? Never fret, for I have written a joke book to help you become-that friend-Get ready to laugh and/or cringe at some puns and jokes that I found on the inter web Updates are (usually) dailyHighest rank: #205 in Humor…

Alone Together

Alone Together

27,341 1,649 38

After returning home from several months in an institution, Melvin emerges from his sane façade and goes back to doing what he does best; being a sadistic psychopath.Another part of his life is Bakura; the only good thing to ever happen to him.Ryou, on the other hand, has hit rock bottom in his life and is trying to get back to where he was before. He's been through and has seen it all. Now he's struggling to pay his rent and is working as hard as he can.Melvin loses the keys to his apartment, and, without paying the rent of his own, stays with the selfless, pitying Ryou, who only lives a floor above him. Ryou is completely vulnerable- perfect for Melvin to take advantage and make his life even more of a living hell than it already is.But what if it backfires?What if Ryou is not as weak as he thought he was?What if Ryou is the only one who understands the pain of being...alone?(Other story: Guilty Pleasure)(A/N:this story was written over the course of a year. My writing skill has improved over a year, so the first few chapters may be a little worse, but the writing has, hopefully, improved since when I first started.)…

Artemis's Junk Drawer

Artemis's Junk Drawer

12,241 1,905 200

This is random thoughts, fluff, scenarios, inspiration and, idk what else... that I just can't throw away. Be warned, these thoughts are random and unsure and I think if people I personally know read this, they'll question my sanity.So have fun, and be sure to keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, thank you.Anime, tv shows, books, pictures, screenshots, gifs, etc.Also, please don't hate. (Images on the cover are not mine)Highest: #2 in Random…

The Little merMarik (Yu-Gi-Oh! WA 2017)

The Little merMarik (Yu-Gi-Oh! WA 2017)

19,135 1,307 30

Thiefshipping little mermaid parodyWith my own little abridged twistMarik, a merman, has always dreamed of the human world that he's forbidden to see. He has collected items that humans seem to leave behind and drop into the ocean.With Odion and a disapproving Ishizu, they visit a boat full of humans and Marik finds (the sexy) Yami Bakura.After trading a precious item for human legs, Marik is able to live among humans, but just for three days. And, since Marik totally isn't gay, he may not kiss Bakura within that time, or else he'll return to being a merman. Simple enough, right?…

Deathshipping one shots

Deathshipping one shots

18,516 979 43

They be fluffyThey be limey But they mostly memes tho…

Genie of the Puzzle

Genie of the Puzzle

32,838 1,836 35

Puzzleshipping Aladdin Parody with an abridged twist!!!Riff raff, street rat. Yami is desperate to rise above these rags and prove that he's worth so much more. And then there's Prince Yugi. He has to marry before his next birthday, but all his suitors are a waste of time. Not to mention, he's never been outside the palace walls.For a moment they're together, and then the next Yami needs to find this puzzle that is apparently important because reasons.This puzzle has a Genie that will provide three wishes to their master. Yami has three wishes, and only one chance.…

Thiefshipping one shots

Thiefshipping one shots

8,727 422 10

Because why not.(COVER ART IS NOT MINE)-no smut (I'm sorry, but it's difficult finding any thiefshipping fics without smut. Where is just plain fluff?) -abridged personalities (or at least my attempts), although some may or may not be a bit canon -some based on pictures, some from my noggin…

Artemis's Poems

Artemis's Poems

237 33 6

from class assignments to what my brain concocts late at night when I have enough Mountain DewActually, there's not a difference...…