

28 3 1

Everyone has their own unique song with their own unique ability. Each ability matches the person and their character along with their song. Every song has the ability to harmonize with their one true love to create a brand new song. Which sometimes ends up sounding completely different from their original songs to symbolize change and a new start for each person. America a 16 year old boy is the most popular in his school. He has an amazing ability and good looks, every girl in his school wants a chance to harmonize with him. Little did they know he already had eyes for someone.His friends can clearly see who he's crushing on and do their best to introduce the two. Which is easier said than done. America just had to choose one of the coldest and introverted people in their school to crush on.Will their plan succeed? Will America find out what they did? Will the two harmonize? Or will they continue to be strangers?Only time will tell...*warnings/infoCover is not mineNot historically accurateThis book will be left untouched until I finish my other one…

Countryhuman Oneshots

Countryhuman Oneshots

224 6 3

Just a book of random oneshots because I have too many ideas that probably won't end up becoming books in the future and my list is already very long.So enjoy this instead! You could probably read this while waiting for new chapters on my book since this probably will be updated more.…

Final Dance || Rusame || Countryhumans

Final Dance || Rusame || Countryhumans

509 17 2

One night was all it took, for their fates to be intertwined. For the better or worse? Only time will tell... Everyone knows royals are respected to a high degree, but sometimes all that respect comes with a hefty price.The night of a particular festival. Is where prince America met this special boy- excuse me, I mean prince. Whose past which peeked his interest. The more he tries to learn about him, the more he seems to grow attached and genuinely interested. Little did he know, this small feeble string of attachment was connected to an even weaker tower. And one wrong move would cause it all to come crumbling down... It wasn't until he took this dance, he was sure he wanted to take the risk... Of pulling that string. ________________keep in mind that this is my first fanfic and my grammar sucks, Any and all non-english languages will be done with google translate so please don't bash me for any weird translations. :,)also dont expect any good art or story telling from this-cover is by yours truly!…