Two more Stars

Two more Stars

538 12 4

Obeying his new mandate, Din bids a temporary farewell to his new home and the warrior princess to whom he had pledged his life in servitude. He could have never foreseen the circumstances in which he found himself returning... one month later. Bo-Din/Dinbo/Clan of 3 adventure…

Take my Hand

Take my Hand

7,090 148 18

Life has a way of repeating itself. Mandalorian history is no different. Neither is Din's affinity for drowning. Just how many times is Bo-Katan expected to pull him out of the water? Life debt tally: Din=3, Bo=0. The man needs to get it together. (Bo-Din pairing.)…



122 7 1

Din, Bo-Katan and Grogu take a vacation. Only... things may not be as perfect as they seem. BoDin/DinBo one-shot prompt. Fluff, pre-established relationship(?).…



191 8 1

A faux misunderstanding turns into an intervention as Greef realizes his friend needs much more help than originally suspected. Then again, a misunderstanding to one person can be an opportunity for another, depending on their point of view. Bo-Din one-shot prompt.…



2,173 33 21

Cynthia and Steven are both hopelessly frustrated that they can't even spend five minutes in each other's company due to certain... variables. Such frustrating circumstances can change quickly, however, when a particularly curious and meddling Pokémon gets involved. Darksteelshipping.…

Point of Light

Point of Light

127,934 2,896 40

If there was one thing Rey couldn't do, it was turn her back on her friends when they needed her, even if that meant sacrificing her own freedom. Most would call such compassion a selfless strength, while others would see it as a foolish weakness. Unfortunately for her, Kylo Ren considers it an opportunity to be exploited. Post-TLJ. Full-Throttle-Reylo. COMPLETE!…