Auburn Eyes

Auburn Eyes

11,323 434 19

Sequel to Golden EyesSmaug has been travelling since the events at the slopes of the Lonely Mountain. Finding solitude in the North. Now the darkness has grown stronger. She can feel it. A distant voice in the back of her mind whispers of times long ago. Painful times she thought she had escaped. However, as the darkness is now closing in on all the lands in Middle Earth so is the pain. She knows the darkness is returning and it is time to travel south. To meet with the Grey Wizard and find a way to stop this sleepless malice once and for all. On this journey, she will have to make new acquaintances good and bad. All while she travels with a fellowship of nine others to destroy the life force of the threat, looming over the world, she has become part of. On the way, she will have to face her demons once more through war and a painful battle in her mind. She will also have to face something she never thought she could be capable of: Love…

Dance of the Masks

Dance of the Masks

5 0 1

Deformed, Cast out, Rejected, Unloved. The mask is her only shield. The night is her only comfort. The theatre is her only home. When Callum de Clare Pembroke buys a grand old theatre on the brink of shutting down, he has his work cut out for him. He is determined to shape it into a pearl of the Musical scene and as well as give rejected artists a place to perform and grow their talents. Following his dream, despite his father's protests, he is ready to seize his chance but his new theatre holds secrets not even the employees want to speak of and there are whispers of a ghost, a phantom, roaming the building at night. Most do not believe the stories but Callum is soon to find out there might be more to an old ghost-story than just so.This is a story of love, loss, music and courage. Wlecome to Dance of the Masks !…

Golden Eyes

Golden Eyes

47,895 1,086 44

(LOTR)/The HobbitSmaug is a ferocious female firedrake from the north, who has taken residence in the dwarven kingdom of Erebor. But when she senses darker minds lurking towards The Lonely Mountain, she seeks out an old acquaintance, Gandalf the Grey. He is worried by her discovery and advises her to join the company 13 filthy dwarves and a hobbit on the journey home towards the mountain. She is aware, though, that the dwarves not only seek to get their gold back, which she, as it comes to an end, do not mind, but they also wish to slay the ferocious huge "male" dragon Smaug. They had not expected to make the acquaintance of a woman with golden eyes.Everything belongs to the rightful owners. I only own my fantasyThe updates are irregular but there is no chance of hiatus. No matter what what it will be brought to an end and if the gods wish there might be a sequel which will follow story in Lord of the Rings…

Han Findes Ikke

Han Findes Ikke

44 0 2

Caleigh "Cay" Jones, en kriminal detektiv fra London, er en helt almindelig kvinde, hvis man ser bort fra hendes drengepige facon og skarpe tunge. Hun står pludselig overfor en sag ulig nogen anden i hendes karriere. Hun må slå sig sammen med sin makker Jack Nelson, sin bedste ven, retsmedicineren Diana Morgan og hendes chef, John Frost. Under unormale omstændigheder er et mord blevet begået. Det er kun det første i en række af brutale mord, som vil løfte sløret for en mørk hemmelighed blandt Caleigh's forfædre.…