

260 38 9

When the old world ended it didn't die by flood. A great quake didn't ravage the world in a cacophony of tortured earth, nor did fire devour nations until only ash remained.When the old world died, it died for greed.The Corporate Apocalypse. The cataclysm that came not from a bomb, but from the wallet. After the GDP of nations was dwarfed by the value of companies, instead of those giant of industry being financed with government loans they began to loan to the nations. It was a fine tradeoff... at first. Instead of interest, the companies asked for land. Then cities. Soon it was ownership of the roads.Before long they wanted to be compensated in rivers! In lakes! Mountains! The rights to the light from the Sun!Then there were no more nations, at least not as they had been. There were only corporations. Giant factories that spanned the size of cities, sheik glass buildings that literally scraped the sky, dwarfing mountains.This is what the world became as parliaments were replaced with boardrooms, and kings with CEOs. As the citizens became employees, the juggernaut of business devoured the world's natural resources, turning the land beyond them into wastes.Now wars are fought in hostile takeovers, and knives in the dark. They are fought with both mausers and white-collar crime.In this dieselpunk world where companies rise and fall based solely on a week's profit, the boardroom battles never end. Success makes might, and currency makes right.There's only one balancing force in this wild west of crypto and commodity. The mysterious Bank Organization. A hyper-advanced society that keeps the secrets of the world, while sharing none of there own. Their mystery secured by the power of enigmatic Bankers.But the world never stops moving and the fragile peace is about to be shattered. Its future dependent on a newly graduated Banker, the wits of his handler, and the severity of their greed.After all the Bankers will protect even the world. for the right price.…

Lucky Baylone is a Scumbag(editing)

Lucky Baylone is a Scumbag(editing)

157 86 22

Lucky Baylone is a crook. Lucky Baylone is a killer. Lucky Baylone is an Outcast. Lucky Baylone is a scumbag. Non-human wolf Lucky Baylone is the scourge of the sleepless city, Yoria. A cold hitman with few scruples, and less friends. But Lucky wasn't born this way; he was made. His father, Deadpaw, the merciless Alpha of Yoria's most powerful Pack, hammered his son into weapon using cruelty as his forge. But his methods were too effective, Lucky's bloodline too strong. It wasn't long before Deadpaw began to fear his own creation.Ostracized by the Pack Lucky begins to feel hunted. His enemies outnumber the stars, and the walls are quickly closing in. Out of places to turn Lucky's world begins to crumble as old enemies become new friends, meddling gods turn into roommates, and he is forced to decide if living is worth betraying everything he once stood for.Lucky Baylone is a crook. Lucky Baylone is a killer. Lucky Baylone is an Outcast. Lucky Baylone is a scumbag. Lucky Baylone is many things but...Lucky Baylone is not lucky.....Wrote this a long time ago. Finished but I will be editing. Lots of misspelled words.…

Blasphemy: Saga of the Blackgoat Prince vol. 2

Blasphemy: Saga of the Blackgoat Prince vol. 2

122 15 5

Cimeries has defeated his brother, the awful god of torment, (Punishment). He has escaped the prison city, Chastening, with Akane just as the city crumbles, starved of the fallen god's power.But there is no respite for the weary fugitives, for (Punishment) was not Cimeries's only sibling... Nor was he the most powerful, and these almighty new foes hunger to avenge their fallen brother. Forced to flee the very surface of Alothas to avoid the all but omniscient eyes of the vengeful gods, the unlikely allies find themselves lost inside the interwoven web of labyrinths, the Infinite Oubliette. Now they must make their way back to the surface. The pair are hidden from the vendetta of the surface gods, but all is not well. The Oubliette has its own powerful entities and danger, not least of which is the war the duo suddenly find themselves thrust in the middle of.The clock is ticking! Hide from the gods! Escape the eternal labyrinth! Survive! Or else Mama will kill us!…

Blasphemy: Saga of the Blackgoat Prince

Blasphemy: Saga of the Blackgoat Prince

164 49 11

Cimeries is finally being allow... been freed of his Mama, elder horror and demon god, Shub-niggurath and her smothering affection. After rampaging through Apocalypze, the demon realm, he has returned to the surface world to get revenge on those who cast him there-the treacherous gods of the surface world, Alothas!After being devoured and reborn with terrible new powers, the sweet taste of vengeance was finally on the tip of his tongue! That is until an evil witch(innocent bystander) from another world cursed him into servitude!'Th-that's not what happened!''Silence! Kuhahaha!' Enjoy their adventures of madness magic and hip-hop as they travel a fantasy world where mayhem is king!…



24 4 1

I was born from a campfire story. Well it started as a campfire story. First I was some run of the mill slasher. Some kid spun a tale about an ex-green beret who was never the same after 'the war' and fled to 'this very lake', after massacring a bunch of coeds after their fireworks gave me flashbacks. That tale got passed around for a few years, and a few more camps with their very own, 'this very lake' and soon I wasn't a campfire story any more. So many people had heard about me and I became a rumor. That many lips, and that many recollections of a tale from however many summers ago tend to put certain spins on a rumor. Wasn't long before a simple soldier with ptsd became something a bit more.Why, wasn't there a article about a vet whose chopper was shot down behind enemy lines? Oh! You mean the one who had to eat the enemies he killed so he wouldn't starve?No. No. You guys heard it wrong. He was a pow. That's the guy who killed every charlie in his prison camp with a single knife. Heard that blade claimed more than x-hundred men! They said this special ops... and so on.Well stories that stop being told stop being around, sometimes the worse fate is when your story does too much changing and a story stops being itself. If I wanna stick around for a bit I gotta keep being on people's minds. Two ways to go about doing that, getting bloody or getting work so....Got any jobs for an ol' wives' tale?…