The Twist: The Beginning

The Twist: The Beginning

168 3 48

" Did you know girls are a great source of power? They have so much life and strength. In them, that's why you have to take it and use it. For no woman can truly master their powers." he gestured to the altar, what I thought was dye was blood. At my realization, he swung the sword at me. cutting my shoulder." there was never any sisterhood, just a death trap," I said running to the altar grabbing the dagger and running. I hit the floor with a thunk. hitting my jaw on the marble floor. Rowan grabbed my arm and slammed me against the altar. the marble slicing my back and the silk of the dress tearing. I lifted my arm and brought the dagger down in an ark straight at the king's heart."Nah" he screamed and I tore it out and brought him to the ground." don't do this you'll regret it" he begged"Will I? You killed girls and now I'll kill you" I leaned in and whispered " Rowan, king of queens, king of air." Then I stabbed again and again ten times. then stood up blood splatting my white dress. Read to find out about this twisted tale.(2)…



22 7 10

A genetically modified human group, Where the Neuralink went wrong. And the met gala has became a place for sponsors to flaunt around their champions. And participate In the games. "The games of defiance"…

Into the dark

Into the dark

1 0 2

A story about a powerful magician named Alec. How did this sorcerer grow to hate The Diamond Sorcerer?... why is his heart set on revenge? Let's dive into the twisted mind of AlecPart of the Vision series…

Courts of Roses

Courts of Roses

1 0 2

Isabella Thorn the queen of the fay has had a long and twisted path. Read farther to see what made her how she is now and what made her such a cruel queen....Read farther for a tale of love.A tale of hate.....A tale of despair......A tale of fury.....A tale of resilience.......A tale of heartbreak.....And a tale of revenge.............(1) part of the Vision series…

Run girl, the devil's coming

Run girl, the devil's coming

18 0 7

I felt weird as I woke up, I looked around and was in a car. The weird thing is I don't ever remember getting in a car. I looked out the window, but it wasn't anywhere I remembered. I was also wearing clothes that weren't mine. I was wearing a silver skirt and top. And I was wearing heels all things I don't own. I reached into my bag for my phone, but it wasn't there neither were my wallet or my keys to my house. "Ma'am we're almost to your destination," said the driver, who looked Asian "Where are we going?" I asked "Tulsa Oklahoma," he said "Okay," as I went to look through my bag I realized something on my wrist. It was a tattoo of 573rd and another one above it. Which was some sentence "bye, hi, we, their who when die" Was I drunk when I got this? He pulled up to a random apartment in Tulsa Oklahoma. "Here's your stop" "Thank you"…

The story of  Val

The story of Val

2 0 4

This is the story of the true goddess of love and the mentor of Aphrodite.(3) part of the Vision series…

Cook book

Cook book

7 0 11

I'll give you multiple apple recipes…

Two Spies

Two Spies

32 0 11

The Director of the FBI turned on the screen. Showing security footage of a woman walking into a building then shoot the camera. The second camera catches the woman taking off the wig to show short hair. And take off the fur coat to reveal a tight black shirt. And take off the heel to turn the heeled boot into just a boot. Then wipe the makeup off her face and pull a gun out of the purse. Then look up at the camera, it wasn't a woman it was a man. Then he shot out the camera. "That right there" the Director said pausing the video on the man's face "is Ash or at least that's what we think his name is. He's a highly trained spy and assassin recently he shot and killed the leader of the senate. It's our mission to find and prosecute him. We will send twenty teams five in each to find him, now gear up and go to the landing deck----------------------------Ash at least that maybe his name, no one knows for sure. But everyone calls him The Shadow, he's a highly trained spy and the FBI,CIA and more are after him. The FBI sent their best Justin. Justin and Ash play a game of cat and mouse with everyone's life.Will Ash kill everyone or Justin save everyone?…

El Giro: El Comienzo

El Giro: El Comienzo

20 0 14

Un grupo de niños de todos los reinos. Cada galaxia y mundo fue escrito en una profecía. Peligroso,Asesino,Destructivo, espantoso,Manipulativo si y si ¿Cómo será la profecía?El fin de la vida y la existencia o el comienzo. Lea para conocer este retorcido cuento.…

Corre niña, que viene el diablo.

Corre niña, que viene el diablo.

1 0 1

Me sentí raro cuando desperté, miré a mi alrededor y estaba en un auto. Lo raro es que no recuerdo haberme subido nunca a un coche. Miré por la ventana, pero no estaba en ningún lugar que recordara. También llevaba ropa que no era mía. Llevaba una falda y un top plateados. Y llevaba tacones, todas las cosas que no me pertenecen. Busqué mi teléfono en mi bolso, pero no estaba allí ni tampoco mi billetera ni las llaves de mi casa. "Señora, ya casi llegamos a su destino", dijo el conductor, que parecía asiático. "¿A dónde vamos?" Yo pregunté "Tulsa Oklahoma", dijo "Está bien", mientras iba a revisar mi bolso me di cuenta de algo en mi muñeca. Era un tatuaje del 573 y otro encima. ¿Cuál era una frase "adiós, hola, nosotros, ellos cuando mueran" ¿Estaba borracho cuando recibí esto? Se detuvo en un apartamento al azar en Tulsa, Oklahoma. "Aquí está tu parada" "Gracias"…