The Samsuddin chronicles: The hunter

The Samsuddin chronicles: The hunter

7 2 2

Samsuddin, a small town, keeping many sacraments under its fortress walls. Once Armend firstly seen all of them. And his life will never be the same…

She-wolf of Innsbruck

She-wolf of Innsbruck

5 0 1

The story about teenager girl Anna Ziegel, who was convicted for the horrible carnage in her own school. Long time she was outcast in her class. But one day she avanged for all those years of humiliation…

Заколдованный лес

Заколдованный лес

128 4 5

Лес, окружающий деревню, полон мрачных тайн. Ходят слухи о том, что там живёт ведьма, похищающая юных девушек и отнимающая их годы…