The Kiss. Part One.
A different version of the consequences of Ahmeds unwanted kiss and the aftermath of Ty's decisions. Will they eventually get back together or is Ty so messed up with Amy's unwanted attention from male admirers he moves away.…
A different version of the consequences of Ahmeds unwanted kiss and the aftermath of Ty's decisions. Will they eventually get back together or is Ty so messed up with Amy's unwanted attention from male admirers he moves away.…
Continuation of The Kiss.…
Amy is 16 yrs old, the loss of her mother is still raw, Lou holds her sister Amy responsible and secretly hates her.. Jack is trying to keep the peace between the two sisters, but Amy's finally starting to fight back, which Lou wasn't expecting. Tim Fleming turned up at the funeral and hasn't helped the situation between the two sisters since he first turned up.Lou is all for her Dad but Amy doesn't know him, she's already seen a dark and violent side to him as he doesn't like Ty Borden who works for Jack and has been a big help to Amy.Unfortunately, the Lou and Amy war isgoing to get much worse. Tim Fleming is going to take things too far. Lives are in danger when Lou Fleming starts to develop Schizophrenia, and Dissociative Identity Disorder and a storm is slowly brewing.…
Ty and Amy go to Ty's Graduation Party, he invited Amy at the last minute. He was going to go by himself as he didn't think Amy would enjoy it but Lou persuaded him to take her.Ty has been bought a few drinks from his mates and is to busy Dancing with Girls from his university Class he totally forgets about Amy being with him, and the time, as he's usually by himself at Uni. When he remembers Amy is with him he finds her missing. Later Ty receives a Photo on his mobile from an unknown Number and he Jumps to the wrong conclusion, instead of trying to find Amy as he is responsible for her , his anger takes over and he Storms off home still thinking of what he saw in the photo, so he packs up his things and leaves Hudson.…
Amy & Ty's New Life (Part 2)Ahmed's Revenge, beyond the Grave.For Ten Years Amy and Ty have had a fantastic life.They both won an Award for there invention, which not only helps All Animal's now but also Humans for really bad breaks which saves Amputations. Thankfully they registered it and get the Royalties. The Money Rolls in every day so a percentage goes into a fund and every year they make donations to other Sanctuaries continuing the old lady's work.The Children are growing up, Kayden is now 17yrs old.Lyndy is 12yrs oldTwins areMarion is 9yrs old Victor jnr is 9yrs old…
Amy & Ty's New Life. (Part 1 )After Amy refused Ahmed's advances and showed him up on video she ran for home as quickly as possible. The video was supposed to show them kissing to break her and Ty up, unfortunately the person Ahmed hired disappeared quickly during the commotion, then sold the video to an online Streaming company. Ahmed was furious when the video turned up on the Web, his father was so embarrassed. When he eventually found Ahmed, he locked him up in his own Palace Dungeons for ten years, but not before Ahmed got his revenge to kill Amy. Ahmed's father also disowned him so he would never serve as King, his 2nd eldest son would take that title eventually. Did Amy survive his attempt. Tim still thought they were all wrong, but he'd only been back in their life's for a year, he didn't know them at all anymore, especially Amy.Ahmed wouldn't do anything like that . Would he. !!!!!!What about when he gets released.??…
This story starts when Amy should be celebrating being 22 years old, but Ty thinks back to when Amy was 18 years old and how they lost her 4 weeks before her 19th Birthday, and that's when the Fleming and Bartlett Family completely fell apart.Amy hasn't celebrated another Birthday since her 18th.There's Four SistersLexi 12 years old. (Horses)Amy 18 years old. (Horse Whisperer)Madison 21 years old. (Horse Whisperer)Lou 25 years old. (Business Woman)Marion found out she was Pregnant not long after she Kicked Tim out and Jack threw him off Heartland warning him to stay off his land, Amy was 5, Madison was 9 and Lou was 13.Tim came back not long after Marion died and Amy was seriously Injured, even the doctors weren't sure she would survive, 3 months in a coma and lots of injuries healed during that time. Tim stayed in the background and only had contact with Lou, Madison hated him, but Amy didn't remember any of the arguments and Tim's drunken outbursts where he would slap Marion. He finally met Amy and Lexi when she was 16 and Lexi was 10, but they were both busy with School, Homework, Chores and working with horses. Lou Married Scott when she was 23 years old and bought there own place.…
Amy is 18 years old , Top of her class and Smart.She's Dating Ty Borden who is 2 yrs older and Training to become a Vet.Amy knows everything there is about a Horse, she's studied hard and could very easily become a Horse surgeon as she knows all there is about the internal workings of the structure of a Horses Anatomy. But Amy Fleming is a Spirit guide for a Horses Spirit and called a Horse whisperer .Amy is in her last year of School and part of one of her Tests is in I.T. Information and Technology. Amy's very clever when it comes to Computers and the Internet. The Test is for them to pick a Story from either the year they were Born + Or - one year, which gives her 3 years worth of storys from News papers or magazines and rewrite it in there own words.But What Amy finds will either make her stronger or Shatter the Life she's been Living and everyone she knows in her Family, the only one she can trust and get the support she needs is her boyfriend Ty Borden.…
Amy doesn't support Ty's decision to go to Mongolia because she's pregnant and this is there first child. He supported her when she wanted to try and do something, but did she make the right decision saying No. Any other time would be okay and he knows that.The question is whether her and their baby are more important to him than flying off to another country where he could get killed.…
Ty Borden was the Son of a wealthy Multi Millionaire, his mother was also wealthy having her own Horse Ranch breeding Race Horse's.While he was celebrating his 20th Birthday at a Rodeo Event he fell for a very beautiful young woman who was a Master Horse Trainer , behaviourist and a famous Barrel Racer named Amy Fleming. Ty Borden lived with his Mother and father in Vancouver and Amy lived in her own Two bedroom Ranch House next to the Barn which the Family clubed together and built for her 18th birthday, the Q Hut had been moved further over.Amy lived on the Heartland Ranch and was worth about 1.5 Million US Dollars, and her Sister lived at the site of her Holiday Cabins which was an extention of her Dude Ranch and she was worth about 3 Million US Dollars.The Family were very well off, Jack Bartlett and his wife Lyndy ran a large Cattle Farm, Lyndy was a Singer/Song Writer, between them they were worth about 10 Million US Dollars, Amy's Mother Marion ran a Horse Rescue/Rehabilitation Ranch and worth about 4 Million US Dollars. She was divorced from Tim Fleming, Amy and Lou's Father who was a controlling bully and out to make quick money and always after freebies.…
Based from Season 1 onwards Slightly different.…
Tim's Alcohol problems, Bullying and Controlling of his Youngest Daughter for his own profits end up changing the Fate of Amy and Ty. Even when he eventually turns up again not knowing what he actually did to the young lovers , he cannot believe what he's done when he finally see's the results of his attack on his Daughter and her once boyfriend. Will Ty be man enough and have enough Love for Amy to help her through the trials of recovery from her life changing injuries. Amy is full of hate, she's been working hard with her recovery, then Tim turns up and throws the family for six when Amy wheels across the wooden floor in her electric wheelchair and shoots Tim then turns the gun on herself. Will they both survive.What damage will Amy be left with on top of the injuries inflictedfrom Tim. Jack's true nature of Controlling Amy just as he did with Lou comes to light.Will Amy survive. Will their love save them.…
Amy was Twenty One years oldShe took an Interest in Liberty Work 2 years ago, and she's been training Spartan, Ty was fascinated with how she trained Spartan when he decided to come back from his residential University in Saskatchewan during Christmas Semester break.This was the one thing Amy was worried about , that their relationship would suffer, but Ty promised that he'd be back every break to see her and Skype three times a week, it lasted just three months before the Skypes went from 3 a week to once a fortnight and one break for Christmas, after that he never came to see her at all.A year Later a Horse Identical to Spartan turns up and Renard wants Amy to train both as Zephyr can teach her something and Amy has to show him something. Ty has been trying to work up the Courage to ask Amy to Marry him but has he left it too Late, due to his actions they are not in a good place, Months Later Amy is offered a Chance to show her Family what she can do as a trainer not Just a Healer of Horses, by putting on a show to Audition for a Chance to Tour with the Dark Horse Troupe through Canada and then the USA which would be a Two Month Tour around Canada then a one month break before the American Tour which would be for Nine Months.What will Amy do, her Grampa said to her that this was a chance of a Lifetime and not to worry about Heartland as they'll Just buy and breed more Cattle.Of course things take a different turn due to Ty's insecurities and while Amy's in the USA with Dark Horse, Calamity Strikes of Biblical proportions sending the US into turmoil with help being offered from the UK and Europe. Ty can't believe what's happened and for the first time in his life he prays that Amy survived, he knows which City she's in so sets off to find her, hoping that the city still exists.…
(Formally called,**You can't tell anyone**) ......This Story doesn't follow the Time Line of the TV series, never read the books so I have no idea.Amy is Older and Ty is not on probation. ************Amy is 17 years old and 4 weeks away from her 18th Birthday, she's dating Jesse Stanton and Marion is Alive and well. Amy's invited to a party and goes after Jesse promised Marion he would keep her safe.Unfortunately Jesse not only Drinks too much but takes something while at the usual Stanton party, things do not go well and Amy Runs away towards home with Soraya desperately looking for her.In a few months time Jack takes on an apprentice who wants to learn about Ranching and how to work with Cattle.He's also going to do a couple of hours first thing for Marion as in the Barn chores then the rest of the day working and helping Jack, his Mum and Stepdad Just moved to Hudson, his name, Ty Borden. *******I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.…
Amy was living with her parents on a horse and Cattle Ranch Just outside Toronto. She loved her Parents even though her Father could be a Controlling Jerk sometimes. Her Sister Lou was 15yrs older than herself and had left home after a big argument with her father who was trying to tell her what to do, but 5 yrs Later Amy's parents were killed in a terrible car crash.2 years later Amy was attacked by her boyfriend who was older, but when she found out she was pregnant she knew she had to Run for her Life.…
This story takes place after Amy's European Tour. She hadn't met Ty Borden yet, until she wakes up on an Island.Amy's life eventually catches up with her, after all the events that have happened in her life and the island. The control and disregard on her from her father and Grampa Jack is just as quilty breaks her, putting her in a Psychiatric Hospital ward. The reports from the Hospital cause friction between Jack and Tim after Jack realises how much control his ex son in law had over his Granddaughter.Jack was guilty tooBut Amy's determined to take back her life.…
In an alternative world things may happen differently, people may be different or swap roles but if two Soulmates are destined to be together in an Alternative World, it may take a while for them to get together and there are many routes that may lead them to get to that point in time Eventually.*Not everyone will like the changes, or favorite characters acting differently, but I thought , ' WHAT IF !!!! '…
Amy is 22 yrs old and lives with her grandparents after losing her parents and her horse in a terrifying Car Accident. She lives on one of the Biggest Cattle and Horse Ranches in Alberta, Canada called Heartland.Over 600,000 Acres, 35,000 cattle and over 200 Quarter Horses.She's beautiful, Strong and knows what she wants. After finishing with her so called Boyfriend of two months because he becomes possessive and aggressive then things take a horrifying course .…
Amy and Ty were happy, there wedding was in 4 Months. Amy was 22 and Ty was 24 who was now a certified Vet.Lilly was over for a visit and Amy was spending some quality time with her. Amy had worked hard to get mother and Son back together, using her own life altering Accident with her Mum , yes they were close, but how would Ty feel if she died before they'd made peace. Thankfully it worked and even Wade was making an effort now.They'd been to Calgary looking for anything to do with weddings and if there was anything they may need for her and Ty's Wedding day.Amy saw a message from Ty saying he was out on some calls and couldn't meet them for Lunch but would see them both at Heartland for Dinner. They set off home and Lilly borrows Amy's phone.While Lillys talking to Lou, Val Stantons Truck arrives at the end of the Driveway of Briars Ridge," WATCH OUT YOU FOOL".Lou's still talking to Lilly when she hears it.Lilly SCREAMS, Then she hears Amy SCREAM.Then an almighty crash of metal and the phone goes dead.…
Amy Flee's for her Life after her Bully of a Fiance threatened to kill her if she didn't wait for him as he's about to go to Jail for 10 to 12 years for seriously attacking Amy then Jesse Stanton and putting them both in hospital. Amy broke off the Engagement and decided to Run , as she was too ashamed to tell her family that she'd been hiding all the bruises from him and the threats to her family if she didn't agree to marry him. On top of that she couldn't take anymore controlling from her father, if he knew she was on her own again her life would be a nightmare.…