Tamaranean - DC (Discontinued)

Tamaranean - DC (Discontinued)

2,162 67 6

Alien - belonging to a foreign place. ex. Country or nation.That's what I am, an alien. I've never really used that word, even when I've traveled to different places. But that's what I am here, I'm an alien to Earth.…

X-Men and The Frost Boy (Discontinued)

X-Men and The Frost Boy (Discontinued)

33,314 1,176 33

This story is discontinued because it felt all over the place and it wasn't going where I wanted it to go, so I've discontinued this verison of the story and I'm now working on another.I am James Christian Frost, son of Emma Frost and James Logan-Howlett and.... And I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, you'd think I'd know what I want but a absent father does shit to you. Then you add the fact that you are now going to school and "working" with said absent father who doesn't know he's your father is kind of shit.…