The Bible of Shuhei

The Bible of Shuhei

271 27 17

Shuhei Hisagi was THE fuck boy of the Seireitei. Thirsty? Definitely. Perverted? Deadass. Flirty? That was HIS thing. But then it all changed when Daisy came.A crack X Shuhei that's even more crack than all my of my other stories (yes, even the one shots) filled with emojis (I don't even use emojis...) because this one reader X Shuhei story was removed and had emojis and my friends and I got obsessed with it and called it the Bible. So yeah, HUGE inspo to that story, I'm not even joking and this story is dedicated to my bestie and giving her the code name Daisy cus she LOVES daisies UWU Also of course characters will be OOC…

Another One! (ReaderXThePromisedNeverland) AU

Another One! (ReaderXThePromisedNeverland) AU

32,145 375 38

Hai guysssss! So since I love TPN SOOOOO MUCH I decided to write one shots too!!!!! It's going to all be X Reader based so no ship wars plzzz! Also it's going to be AUs and 18+ always for them lemons because no pedos here okie?I accept all requests, so make sure to comment on the latest chapter!!!…

Helping Neverland

Helping Neverland

5,153 181 67

Even after the promise and getting everyone to the human world safely Tira is still stuck as a ghost! But why???? Even worse this time though no one can hear or see her, and she can't interact much with physical objects. What will she do now that she's really alone? Can she help Phil find happiness even with his lost memories? Will she be able to survive the exorcists??!?Hopefully I can update every Monday!!!!!!…

The VSCO Girl of Class 1-A (BNHA Fanfic) **DROPPED**

The VSCO Girl of Class 1-A (BNHA Fanfic) **DROPPED**

705 120 34

** STORY IS DROPPED UMU BUT I HAVE AN UNCOMPLETE HALLOWEEN CHAPTER SO MAYBE...? **Scrunchies? Check.Hydro flask? Check.Puka shell necklace? Triple check!!!!!On the outside she looks VSCO as hell but her room is the opposite of what someone would expect. Kiri was reincarnated and became a student of Class 1-A, and no one is even really sure how she got past the entrance exams. Join her on her adventure of school, missing scrunchies, and crack energiiiiiiiiii!!!!And who knows? There might even be love UWUWUThe cover pic is Luka from the game Soccer Spirits and the person who drew the pretty Luka and now Kiri is YeoNwa!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the rest of the cover was me UWUI ONLY OWN KIRI AND THE EXTRA RANDOM CRACK ENERGY I CREATE!!!! THE REST BELONGS TO SENSEI HORIKOSHI UMUUpdates whenever I have a chappy ready ٩( ᐛ )و…

Tags Book

Tags Book

14 3 2

Things I've been tagged in UWU…

Lonely In Neverland

Lonely In Neverland

83,966 2,614 61

Hi guysss~It's my first story so plz no hate and only constructive criticism UWUThis story is about Tira and how no one bothers to talk to her in Grace Feild so shes always lonely (Like me XD) until one day she discovers a secret and can't tell anyone. Read to find out what happens next!I update every Monday and Thursdayssss ~~~…