E.Y.E Vol. 3: Echo

E.Y.E Vol. 3: Echo

48 0 8

"She was tall, on the thin side, wearing boy's clothing, with short hair, and what appeared to be an old bandage on her right cheek. She had this beautiful green amulet hanging from her neck, two black bracelets on her right wrist, and a silver men's watch on her left wrist. The air surrounding her was sophisticated and cool, she even had an old leather jacket that had been stripped of its sleeves that she was wearing now. Coral might've mistaken her for a boy, but something about her eyes gave away her identity. Coral noticed something: This young lady had a pair of purple eyes that looked at Coral in wonder and worry"…

Red Heart

Red Heart

74 0 11

"Juliet Roberts was only twelve when the war had started. It was the two countries, Violet and Blue that started the war. Juliet lived in the country, Indigo just in between Violet and Blue. For a while after the declaration of war, life was peaceful, and she wasn't very affected by anything that was happening. Her family was happy, until the Indigo country joined in the war. All the men and boys of the country were sent to the join the army. They took Papa and her older brother Will away from her. Juliet was now eighteen years old. The war had been going on for six years now, and with no signs of stopping. Now, the largest country, Red was involved, and not only was the Red country the largest of all countries, but it was the strongest with the best military. The war could only get worse from here."I've been watching too much Attack on Titan lately, which inspired the general mood and setting for this story! However, I was also inspired by the Ballad of Mulan to come up with the protagonist and her backstory. I've given this a mature rating because, even though it's not really much in the first few chapters, it will become Attack on Titan level gore and a bit controversial. (Not to mention with some suggesting scenes)However, if you're feminist like myself, I think you'd enjoy the eventual outcome of this story!…

E.Y.E Vol. 1: Shounen Brave

E.Y.E Vol. 1: Shounen Brave

240 11 10

"Coral was never popular at school. She was always too shy to even utter a word when class introductions came. She spent her times in books, or watching films...Not to mention she had a strange condition in which her natural eye color was a bright pink. She wore no contacts or anything. She had been born with these strange eyes. This became the cause for Coral's constant teasing and bullying throughout her elementary and middle school years. 'But not anymore' Coral thought, 'I'm going to change this year. I'm going to become someone everyone can love and depend on. I'll be like a superhero!' "I was inspired by the Kagerou Daze song series to create this, and also the idea that the eyes are the window to the soul. I've worked a lot with this story over the past year and I feel I'm proud of how the story is finally turning out on writing.…

E.Y.E Vol.2: Wildfire

E.Y.E Vol.2: Wildfire

89 11 10

"There are five races of humans. First, is the golden race. Although they are mortal, they live their lives like gods. This race doesn't have to worry about the burden of a heart and pain. Once dead, members of this race become pure spirits. As spirits, they are the guardians of mankind. Second, is the silver race. This race is stupid, and all they do is hurt one another both physically and mentally. Their spirits do not live beyond the grave. Third, is the brass race. This race is filled with terrible people, who have the gift of godlike strength. This race love war and violence, and therefore destroy their own race by their own hands. When they die, they are sent to the isles of the blessed, where they live in perfect bliss forever. Fifth, is the iron race. This is the race that dominates and lives out all their lives on Earth. This race lives in a time of evil and also have an evil nature, they never have rest from toil and sorrow. As the generations pass, each new generation is more and more inferior to the previous. One day, they will become so wicked; that they'll worship power; might will be all that matters; and reverence for the good will cease to be. If anyone disobeys the rules and regulations of their race, then it is said the mighty Zeus will eliminate any man who is not angry or who feels shame when in the presence of the miserable." Something's been bugging Red lately, and he won't tell his comrades. However, Coral doesn't fail to try and get him to open up anyway! However, the ending result is a terrible tale she couldn't believe he was keeping to himself all this time.…

Love Life

Love Life

36 1 5

"I've been glancing at you during classes I don't know what's gotten into me, I've been having strange dreams involving youIt's not as if I can really control itWhat's going on?"This is a series of POEMS about a girl who falls in love with a fellow peer at her school. I made this whole story about two years ago, fixed it up, and decided to share it onto here today. In no way should this be seen as mirroring my life as of now, because it isn't! XD Though, I admit I have taken a LOT of real life incidents to give this story a more realistic feel.…

A.I. - 13

A.I. - 13

28 0 3

'She was the product of an amazingly large mind, a breakthrough in the fields of Robotics and Science. A robot that looked more humane than anything ever made before. Standing among other humans, no one could tell her apart from them. She had synthetic skin that was softer, and tougher than human skin. Long brown hair that smelled of citrus and felt soft as silk. Eyes that mimicked real eyes, and had more vivid color. Her insides where also like the human organ system, he made a skeleton for her, a stomach to hold things in, mock 'muscles'. He had gone all out to make her seem as human as possible, he even went as far as to create a metallic heart inside of her...She was amazing in so many ways.'What inspired me to do this was the song 'Burenai ai De' from Mitchie M. I thought up the concept for this story a few years back, but I haven't actually posted it here until now. This story also may show some similarities to Astro Boy also, but I swear I wasn't trying to steal anything from Astro Boy! XDIf you're into things like sci-fi, (which I myself am not too big on) I think you'd like this story, and the eventual ending!…