

38,103 1,060 21

Flash Back"I am so sick and tired of not be being appreciated by anyone around here. You guys have no idea how it feels, and you guys don't even care!" I growl in frustration "Well maybe if you did your job right, we would be able to give you credit. You just put us in danger and it's all your fault" Bree snaps"You guys don't know what it's like being mission leader and constantly having so much pressure being placed on you. I know I stuffed up and I said I'm sorry..." "But that's just it Chase YOU STUFFED UP, NOT US. Don't go pointing the finger at us when you are clearly the person to blame" Adam screamsEnd of Flash BackI remain silent, constantly replaying the thoughts in my head. A mix of emotions washed over me. Anger, Frustration, Disappointment, but not in my siblings in myself.How could I be so stupid, I stuffed up and my siblings paid the price.The weapon was still on the lose and I had to go retrieve it, with or without my siblings. I couldn't risk them getting hurt again, but I had to redeem my title as mission leader. I quickly rip out a pen and paper and begin to write on it rapidly.I'm sorry guys but this mission is bigger then me, but I have to complete it. I'm going alone. I can't risk you guys getting hurt again and I'm sorry for the way I acted. I'll be back soonFrom ChaseI do not own Lab rats or any of the characters, I only own the plot!…

Lab Rats One Shots

Lab Rats One Shots

8,704 141 4

Just a bunch of lab rats one shots. Be prepared, most of them are about Chase!I do not own Lab Rats, I only own my original story plots.…

Mission Undercover ( SLOW UPDATES)

Mission Undercover ( SLOW UPDATES)

1,458 45 10

" Adam you will be the muscle. A hidden agenda behind your Ray Bands sunglasses, No one can know who you are. Your mission. Keep an eye on the chief administrator of the weapons vault. Get as close as you can to management without being recognised." "Bree you are the intern. The hustle and a beauty to be reckoned with. Your mission is to gather information on whom we believe to be the brother of the leader. You will guard the eighth floor working alongside the young man. Gather any information you can get without giving the slightest hint away, of who you really are." " Leo you will be the janitor. The only one with the access to every room in the complex. No one will suspect who you really are behind your cyber mask, simply wheeling a cleaning cart around. A camera will be planted on your cleaning rack and your mission will be to capture all the evidence on camera. Stay hidden." " And Chase. You will be security of the leading mistress of this group. Her name is unknown but she is seeking assistance in order for protection. As long as you go undetected you should be ok. Gather any information you can get, and as soon as you get close enough. With a single moment and with the right timing you and only you will be allowed access into the one room no one else can get to. The Matrix. Seven traps of risk and death, but with your intellect you should be able to retrieve the blue prints.Watch your backs and each other. Survival is your only rule."" The Muscle, The Hustle, The Silent Tracker and The Undetected. Together you guys will be Mission Undercover"( I do not own Lab Rats, I only own the plot!)…

The Girls With The Plans

The Girls With The Plans

5,802 226 21

What's harder then a mission? Conquering the mission of love and your own personal emotions. The Elite Force is forced to encounter deadly battles with their biggest enemies as more secrets are revealed, leaving everything at risk.What seemed to be an unknown feeling to Chase soon becomes an emotion too big to control. A certain love interest develops within Chase for a fellow team member. Little does he know she feels the same way. Certain emotions that leave the Elite force to break at its cracks with arising conflict. Old and new villains are rising and their love is only getting stronger. How far will they go to find their love, especially when there are Girls With a Plan.I do not own Lab Rats Elite Force or any of the characters, I only own my original character Razor.…

It only took one word!

It only took one word!

61,180 1,230 8

All it took was one word. Mr Davenport knew what he had said to his youngest son, and instantly regretted it. Adam and Bree saw the argument unravel with pure shock written on their faces. Chase heard what Mr Davenport had said and took it to heart. His siblings stood silent, his father stood greatly angered. All it took was a second for him to storm out of that room. All it took was one word.One mission, one argument and instant regret…

Sick Chip Glitch

Sick Chip Glitch

36,511 915 20

When Douglas stumbles upon a new bionic upgrade he is thrilled and wants to share his findings, however Mr Davenport turns down Douglas's idea after feeling it's not safe. Ignoring Mr Davenport's orders, Douglas goes behind his back and implants the bionic upgrade in Chase's chip without Chase or anyone else knowing. After the bionic upgrade Chase begins to encounter sickness, disease and many many glitches. Causing great distress among the family, they must work together to find a cure before it is to late.( I do not own Lab rats)…



11,879 258 10

This is my first Lab rats fan fiction. Please don't judge, I'm really nervous about how this book will go. Anyway hope you enjoy. I am open to any ideas you might have. Feel free to leave any comments.Targeted. I have come to seek my revenge, I have come to finish my job, I have come to destroy the target. I have returned. No one knows how, but I have come to destroy. I have returned with a taste for revenge. When the lab rats have returned from a mission, Chase stumbles upon a mysterious piece of equipment. Little does he know what this piece of equipment can do. More so he doesn't know what this weapon can do. Suddenly crisis strikes and they are faced with an old enemy. One lab rat is put into extreme danger. The family tries to track down the missing lab rat by using their only clue. The weapon. Will they complete the mission or will this be there first ever mission fail.Takes place after Bionic action heroes For Lab rats lovers.I do not own lab rats I only own the plot.…