It's 'Goodbye' in English [Nagisa Shiota/OC] -- DISCONTINUED.

It's 'Goodbye' in English [Nagisa Shiota/OC] -- DISCONTINUED.

775 29 4

[AU Set in a World War]The war's supposed to be ending but something had gone terribly wrong and it went on and on restlessly. They all thought they could win. And yet in the midst of it all, the bombs fell.Nagisa Shiota, who's supposed to drove an enemy force out of the Kunugigaoka's perimeter got caught in the explosion and had been buried, with only the broken debris supporting him from getting fully swallowed by earth.He thought that he'd have to die alone, but it looked like war's never easy to get out of even in death.…

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.

9,723 206 17

[{3rd place in 2014 Watty Award}] {Thanks for your support, dear followers of RtF. This story won't be on its place if not for your votes! <3<3<3}It was raining that day....That's what she remembered when she woke up in the hospital the next day. She can't recognize anyone nor does she remember spending time with them...everything was black... and blurry...It was raining that day....That's what he can recall...But that's not the important part of that certain day. It was the fact that along the asphalt falls a girl's body. The open wound on her head stained the asphalt with blood. He wasn't able to save her...And it haunts him.…

Anonymous(07 Ghost Fanfic:Konatsu Warren)  -- DISCONTINUED

Anonymous(07 Ghost Fanfic:Konatsu Warren) -- DISCONTINUED

2,625 57 11

DISCONTINUEDHe killed her, that was supposed to make him feel happy and proud. For someone who wants to achieve something and impress the people who throw him away like trash- it was a sign of pride. But it didn't end up that way. It looks more like he made a wrong decision once again. Especially, when he realized that his heart was aching for "her".The fact that it was too late was hurting....He should have held out his hand that time and reached for her. She would've been alive and breathing beside him. But no, what's done is done.Even if he wished on countless shooting stars, someone who's dead will never rise again.…

Night Walk

Night Walk

354 18 1

"Could you please remember me?"The question held weight, more than one could ever imagine.[Late Birthday Fic]…

fading you (Aomine Daiki Bday Oneshot) [micrometer you #2]

fading you (Aomine Daiki Bday Oneshot) [micrometer you #2]

305 13 1

A/N: Please read 'micrometer you' first before reading 'fading you' to get a grip on this one shot. Also, since Aomine's a pervert, the rating goes to PG instead of G.The first one deteriorates....And the second one....Aomine hates the world whether he admits it or not. He hates his creator for making him the way he is now. He hates his job, he hates Akashi, he hates Midorima, he hates Momoi's clinic and he hates the damn rules created for him. Day by day, he goes on, secretly seeking for something that would make him alive, ranging from taking women to his suite, doing his boring job, and letting Momoi drag him around.Slowly but surely, he finds his purpose and he feels the most forbidden feeling for androids like him. Love.…

Her [Akashi/OC]

Her [Akashi/OC]

1,321 44 1

[Sequel to Let]Akashi is not a toy. He isn’t something she could buy with her money. If it works that way, he would only please her as instructed, he would only love her as indicated. His eyes would never see her. His heart would never love her. He would never be on the same world as hers.…

micrometer you (Midorima Shintaro: birthday fic)

micrometer you (Midorima Shintaro: birthday fic)

706 27 1

This is the last time you will hear the word goodbye.The last time you will feel your hands holding mine.The last time your eyes will let a tear flow down.The last time you will see me standing before you now.Set in a future balanced in both the nature and technology aspects, an aspiring female starts on a project that was expected to do the "craze" in the market and her company wanted to make it a success. In the process, sending a stern and serious assistant like male who would help her finish her project.However, it wasn't just a simple project. It's something else. A link somewhere. A connection, possibly. And this would all come out differently to her and also, him.…

Kaleidoscope (Anime charas/OC oneshot compilation)

Kaleidoscope (Anime charas/OC oneshot compilation)

773 26 4

A collection of oneshots rooted from song lyrics and from my crazy inspired mind.…

Let (Akashi Seijuro/OC)

Let (Akashi Seijuro/OC)

2,914 71 1

The emperor sits alone in the bench, waiting. Snow was drifting down continuously and heavily. He checked his time, 12/20, 20:11It looks like she's not going to return to him soon.The princess sat alone in the bench, waiting. Snow has been pouring endlessly, ready to bury her alongside the world's green of life. She looks at her watch seeing only the same date and a different time.Maybe it's finally time to go.Oneshot for Akashi-sama's birthday.…