Love at first sight

Love at first sight

15 0 5

She was your normal everyday girl who had a bright future ahead of her. All that was whisked away when she meet him, prodding eyes and disproving whispers were the new normal for lily and she never would get used to it. One day she discovers that Cameron had been cheating on her with one of her best friends, after years of love and affection her heart gets lost in the dirt and forgot. But they manage to pull through and make it work for a second time.…

A love story

A love story

35 0 5

She and him were the best of friends and they were both going to go to collage together soon and they were not ready to separate. But once feelings start developing between the two thing get serious. They turn into the most popular couple around and her following on every type of social media sky rockets, going for a small town girl who sky rockets into a A-lister celebrity.…