The story of Vanessa and Thane. She made one terrible choice that shattered her heart and left her believing she's undeserving of love. He wants nothing more than to convince her she's covered in God's grace and her past doesn't matter to him. But when her secret is revealed, will Thane's love prove to be unshakeable or will he walk away, giving life to her worst fears?This is a story about one girl's struggle to forgive herself after making a decision that broke her heart and shattered her soul.It's about moving God's love from your head to your heart.About accepting God's grace when you've done nothing to deserve it.About believing in redemption.Most of all, it's about finding the same type of unshakeable, all-consuming, unconditional love God offers embodied in man - the type of man she didn't believe could exist.To Delve Deeper into the story of Thane and Vanessa, you can visit my Pinterest board:…